The New Age
It will soon be: 1500 years since the decision of the Council of 543 A.D.1 condemned to oblivion sublime teachings which ought to have been carefully preserved and handed down to future generations as a beacon amid social reefs; teachings that would have uprooted that frightful egoism which threatens to annihilate the world, and instilled patience into the hearts of such as were being crushed beneath the wheel of the cosmic law, by showing them the scales of Justice inclining to the side filled with their iniquities of bygone times; teachings which would have been welcomed by the masses, and the understanding of which would not have called for any lofty intellectual culture.
A very good research based argument in favor of Reincarnation, and the author in his expertise brings forth many answers to other age old questions of man's spirit, consciousness, soul, afterlife, etc.
Perhaps it was largely for my own satisfaction; in any case I did again go through the roughly million and a quarter words that were the records of Betty's work while here. Passages directed at her personally, and no one else, I red-penciled. Next I cut them out and pasted them seriatim. They totaled nearly two hundred thousand words. For the first time I read them consecutively; and realized that, even with no further arrangement, I had a NARRATIVE.
Perhaps it is well for me to explain that the subject-matter of the papers published in this book has not been philosophically treated, nor has it been approached from the scholar's point of view. The writer has been brought up in a family where texts of the Upanishads are used in daily worship; and he has had before him the example of his father, who lived his long life in the closest communion with God, while not neglecting his duties to the world, or allowing his keen interest in all human affairs to suffer any abatement.
Ascended Lady Master Portia, also known as "The Goddess of Justice" and "The Goddess of Opportunity", represents divine justice and opportunity for this planet. Opportunity has been defined as: The Open Portal to Unity. Justice has been spiritually described as love's great opportunity to right all wrong and balance life's misqualified energies. Because Portia's action is that of balance, her symbol is the scale of justice.
ALL 3 Books in the Trilogy: The Aquarian Age of Freedom isn't for the purpose of establishing a new religion. Organizations aren't the answer. "God is no respecter of persons" or groups. He looks only upon the heart.
Saint Germain is often referred to as "the wonderman of Europe, the man who never dies". His undaunted dedication compelled him to remain upon Earth one hundred years after he made his ascension. As one of the ancient Atlantean founders of "Freemasonry", this dedicated master of freedom refused to leave the planet until the divine plan of anchoring the "New Atlantis" had been set into motion.
A golden age is a time when mankind is permeated with the Golden Light of Wisdom. The Aquarian Age of Freedom isn't for the purpose of establishing a new religion. Organizations aren't the answer. "God is no respecter of persons" or groups. He looks only upon the heart.
MANY OF THE PEOPLE who have had occasion to read this, after the first publication, have all asked the same questions. "What philosophy are you advocating? Where did you get your information? What qualifies you to write such a book?"
My first serious attempt to establish communication through planchette with a person or persons in a life beyond ours was made Sunday morning, March 3, 1918. Not so very serious an attempt, either, for I anticipated no success, and was not without a humorous appreciation of my position, sitting with my hand on a toy, inviting communication with celestial powers. I remember laughing a little, as I pictured the sardonic glee with which certain of my friends would be likely to regard such a proceeding.
Simplicity in Spirit should relate to all things in life; blocks can and do occur due to our human mind and nature. I
What I have called the "war dead," the multitudes passing over from battle, are the bereavements that hit with the strongest impact. Yet actually they differ in no manner from any other loss by death. We are inclined to think more of their mass, their sheer weight of numbers, than of the fact that each carries its full of poignancy. Indeed, it may even be some small comfort to reflect that others are grieving too! And there is the sustaining glow and pride in sacrifice for a common cause. But each death on the battlefield is to some one the full measure of bereavement.
For ages men have sought to perpetuate their memories in enduring monuments of brass and of stone. Yet, in their efforts to build lasting memorials they have neglected the most enduring monument of all-the Monument of Posterity. These farseeing ones have overlooked their real opportunity; for in posterity-in the achievements of their children's children, men may best hope to reflect a lasting greatness.
Religion has an important bearing on all the relations and conditions of life. The connexion between religious faith and political practice is, in truth, far closer than is generally thought. Public opinion has not yet ripened into a knowledge that religious error is the intangible but real substratum of all political injustice.
Michael X was one of the greatest avatars of the early UFO/New Age movement of the 1950s. He spoke with great articulation and sincerity at many of the well attended outdoor conventions held annually at Giant Rock, a private landing strip just out of Joshua Tree in the hot Mohave Desert of Southern Calif. He spoke calmly and collectively about the arrival of the silvery spaceships, dubbed flying saucers, explaining how they were piloted by friendly space beings from this solar system and way beyond.