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Antony C. Sutton
The American Dream has been lost. Lost mainly by the greed and envy and politicians responding to demands from those who want to live on the work of others.
The Trilateral Commission was founded in 1973 by New York baner David Rockefeller, then Chairman of the Chase Manhatten Bank, and Harvard University academic Zbignieuw Brzezinski, later to become National Security Assistant to President Jimmy Carter.
For the first time, a definite link between some New York bankers and many revolutionaries, including Bolsheviks, is documented by an established scholar.
Professor Antony C. Sutton proves that World War II was not only well planned, it was also extremely profitable - for a select group of financial insiders. Carefully tracing this closely guarded secret through original documents and eyewitness accounts, Sutton documents the roles played by J.P Morgan, T.W. Lamont, the Rockefeller interests, Manhattan banks, Kuhn, Loeb and Company, and scores of other business elitists.