Health-Healing Self-Health


Complete Hypnotism : Mesmerism, Mind Reading and Spiritualism
Risking Being Alive - Wisdom of NOW
CLAIRVOYANCE and Occult Powers
Complete Herbalist, The
Master Key - Scientific Concentration
Studies in the Psychology of Sex Volume 1



Allopathy and Homoeopathy : Before the Judgment of Common Sense!
Catalog #: SKU3481

Conservatism is fast dying out, hidden and smothered by the ever-flowing tidal-waves of progression. Radicalism ceases to become radical, by the daily and hourly recurrence of startling discoveries, and new, unheard-of, and unexpected adaptations of old laws.

An Indigo Struggles To Overcome Drugs
Catalog #: SKU1270

If ignorance is bliss, these intuitive shakers and movers are at the other end of the scale. Their quick-thinking, fourth-dimensional methods cause them to be misunderstood, but "by their fruits, ye shall know them." They are the "People of the Seventh Fire," the Violet Ray of Transmutation. The Golden Age cannot fully emerge until this "seventh vial of purification" has been "poured out" by the Indigos.

Ananga Ranga : Kama Sutra
Catalog #: SKU0859

2 Books in One Volume : The Kama Sutra, which means "Sex Science", is the earliest surviving example of a written Hindu love-manual. It was compiled by the Indian sage Vatsyayana sometime between the second and fourth centuries A.D. His work was based on earlier Kama Shastras or "Rules of Love" going back to at least the seventh century B.C., and is a compendium of the social norms and love-customs of patriarchal Northern India around the time he lived.

Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
Catalog #: SKU1283

Being an encyclopedic collection of rare and extraordinary cases, and of the most striking instances of abnormality in all branches of medicine and surgery, derived from an exhaustive research of medical literature from its origin to the present day, abstracted, classified, annotated, and indexed. Since the time when man's mind first busied itself with subjects beyond his own self-preservation and the satisfaction of his bodily appetites, the anomalous and curious have been of exceptional and persistent fascination to him; and especially is this true of the construction and functions of the human body. This is a large manuscript of nearly 700 pages in an 11 inch by 8 inch book.

Art of Logical Thinking
Catalog #: SKU3712

"Reasoning" is defined as: "The act, process or art of exercising the faculty of reason; the act or faculty of employing reason in argument; argumentation, ratiocination; reasoning power; disputation, discussion, argumentation." Stewart says: "The word reason itself is far from being precise in its meaning. In common and popular discourse it denotes that power by which we distinguish truth from falsehood, and right from wrong, and by which we are enabled to combine means for the attainment of particular ends."

Art of Perfumery : Method of Obtaining the Odors of Plants
Catalog #: SKU1286

With Instructions For The Manufacture Of Perfumes For The Handkerchief, Scented Powders, Odorous Vinegars, Dentifrices, Pomatums, Cosmetiques, Perfumed Soap, Etc. With An Appendix On The Colors Of Flowers, Artificial Fruit Essences

Back to Eden
Catalog #: SKU0529

Fully updated to reflect the nutritional needs of the '80s, this new edition of the classic guide to herbal medicine, natural foods and home remedies underscores the fundamental principle that true healing consists of a return to natural habits of living.

Barkham Burroughs' Encyclopaedia of Astounding Facts
Catalog #: SKU3375

A Compendium of little known facts- a virtual wealth of knowledge at your finger tips. Over 25 pages in the Table of Contents. Full of recipes, health information, business information, penmanship, etc.

Beauty: Beauty In Woman
Catalog #: SKU3410

It maybe set down, we suppose, as a matter sufficiently settled to become a principle, that men are moved by nothing more generally and certainly than by the power of Beauty-particularly Beauty in Woman.

Chiropractic Made Simple
Catalog #: SKU0528

Chiropractic Made Simple is an interesting book that sets out to explore the more traditional subluxation-based approach to chiropractic care. Dr. John Reizer, a chiropractor for over 16 years and a faculty member in the clinical science department at Sherman College of Straight Chiropractic, writes about his observations and conclusions regarding America's largest drugless healthcare profession.

Cholesterol Hoax - 101+ Lies
Catalog #: SKU0237

The diet-heart-cholesterol dogma is a fiction. It has grown and taken root in the consciousness of American people with the nourishment of those forces in the scientific world, fundraising enterprises, government agencies, academia, industry and others. They have placed profit above truth, and pride above integrity.

CLAIRVOYANCE and Occult Powers
Catalog #: SKU0971

he student in India expects the teacher to state positively the principles involved, and the methods whereby these principles may be manifested, together with frequent illustrations (generally in the nature of fables or parables), serving to link the new knowledge to some already known thing. The Hindu student never expects or demands anything in the nature of "proof" of the teachers statements of principle or method; in fact, he would regard it as an insult to the teacher to ask for the same.

Complete Herbalist, The
Catalog #: SKU2176

People as Their Own Physicians with Natural Remedies - One of the most comprehensive books we carry for the Herbalist or home practitioner.

Complete Hypnotism : Mesmerism, Mind Reading and Spiritualism
Catalog #: SKU1535

There is no doubt that hypnotism is a very old subject, though the name was not invented till 1850. In it was wrapped up the "mysteries of Isis" in Egypt thousands of years ago, and probably it was one of the weapons, if not the chief instrument of operation, of the magi mentioned in the Bible and of the "wise men" of Babylon and Egypt. "Laying on of hands" must have been a form of mesmerism, and Greek oracles of Delphi and other places seem to have been delivered by priests or priestesses who went into trances of self-induced hypnotism.

Culpeper: the Complete Herbal
Catalog #: SKU0028

1653 Edition Reprinted! The Old Knowledge! Over 330 herbs and plants and their use, and preparations described in this version. : Hereby you may know what infinite knowledge Adam had in his innocence, that by looking upon a creature, he was able to give it a name according to its nature; and by knowing that, thou mayest know how great thy fall was and be humbled for it even in this respect, because hereby thou art so ignorant.
