Spirituality-Religions Religious Research


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Forgotten Books of Eden - LARGE PRINT - Lost Books of the Bible
Adepts of Deceit - Two Volume Set
Emerald Tablets of Thoth
Bible Spells
Sealed Magical Book of Moses

Religious Research


A Book of Shadows
Catalog #: SKU1593

Ring the bell, light the candle and open the Book of Shadows -- this has long been the method for seeking arcane lore and delving into the mysterious Powers that rule the Universe. Wizards, Witches, Magicians and Students of the Occult Arts and Psychic Sciences have long sought out the Wisdom of the Ancients, found in the pages of dusty and neglected tomes of hidden and forgotten knowledge.

A Book Written by the Spirits of the So-Called Dead
Catalog #: SKU3506

The communications in this little volume, purporting to come from disembodied spirits, came in the manner hereinafter stated, and all that I had to do with them was to faithfully and to the letter transcribe them from the slate on which they were written into blank memorandum books which I procured for the purpose.

A Few Words About The Devil
Catalog #: SKU3500

In penning the foregoing sketch I had purposely to omit many facts connected with branches of Italian, Irish, and French politics. I have also entirely omitted my own struggles for existence.

A Hebrew Deluge Story in Cuneiform
Catalog #: SKU2415

The Great Flood holds mankind's awe at the sheer devastation that a flood could bring on civilization. Here's yet another version found in libraries, once buried, now recovered.

A Problem in Greek Ethics: Sexual Inversion
Catalog #: SKU2784

A short study of Ancient Greek homosexuality, pedastery, and the third sex.

Aaron's Breastplate
Catalog #: SKU2827

Several interesting essays, including the Time Machine and the Bible...

Account of the Remains of the Worship of Priapus
Catalog #: SKU3934

From 1786 an early study of Priapus worship in Italy.

Adam's Peak
Catalog #: SKU2422

Very little is written about this sacred mountiain, even though it is revered by Islam, Hinduism, Christianity, and Buddhism. This is claimed to be the mount on which God delivered Adam to Earth.

Adepts of Deceit - Two Volume Set
Catalog #: SKU0786

One of the major things that would qualify for a global disaster would be a global economic collapse. As we have all seen in recent years, this is a very real concern. This will be orchestrated (all the world's a stage) by the Rothschild family, who own outright or control by proxy, the largest banks in the world. Subsequently, because of that power, they control by influence the rest of the banks worldwide.

Adepts of Deceit - Volume 1
Catalog #: SKU0780

Without doubt, this book and the ensuing volumes will set a benchmark for exposing the Agenda that is laid before us. The truth's herein will shock you, and may even terrify you. Do not be deceived into thinking that conspiracies do not exist-they do; Jesus was conspired against, as was J.F.K, as was Caesar. One thing you can be certain of after reading this great work is that there is hope for us all who are willing to believe after presented with the facts. Read the book and you will know.

Adepts of Deceit - Volume 2
Catalog #: SKU0783

There are going to be some interesting topics concerning the way banks conduct business and the most important part is how they conduct the business of others. To the uninitiated reader some of these procedures are going to be a very nasty surprise. The things I learned and therefore sharing with you had upset me greatly. Being sold out was not supposed to be an option of the American Dream. If people knew this on a whole, how far would the rage reach?

Against Apion and Life of Flavius Josephus
Catalog #: SKU3248

A written debate answer over the accuracy of the history of the Jews. New Edition, Omnibus, Lg Pt. 15 pt font

Age of the Reformation
Catalog #: SKU1472

The excuse for writing another history of the Reformation is the need for putting that movement in its proper relations to the economic and intellectual revolutions of the sixteenth century. The labor of love necessary for the accomplishment of this task has employed most of my leisure for the last six years and has been my companion through vicissitudes of sorrow and of joy.

Ahkmim Fragment, The
Catalog #: SKU2360

The Apocryphal Gospel of St. Peter : A long forgotten manuscript of the Gospel of Peter.

Catalog #: SKU1374

THERE is surely no need to-day to insist on the importance of a close study of the Koran for all who would comprehend the many vital problems connected with the Islamic World; and yet few of us, I imagine, among the many who possess translations of this book have been at pains to read it through. It must, however, be borne in mind that the Koran plays a far greater role among the Muhammadans than does the Bible in Christianity in that it provides not only the canon of their faith, but also the textbook of their ritual and the principles of their Civil Law.
