Science Mysteries Astronomy-Astrology


From India to the Planet Mars
Kepler's Sacred Geometry - The Harmonies of the World
Secret Space Program
Hindu Book of Astrology
Hindu Astronomy - Surya Siddhanta
Globe Within The Sun



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A Journey In Other Worlds
Catalog #: SKU3362

The protracted struggle between science and the classics appears to be drawing to a close, with victory about to perch on the banner of science, as a perusal of almost any university or college catalogue shows.

Astronomical Myths
Catalog #: SKU3594

Astronomy is an ancient science; and though of late it has made a fresh start in new regions, and we are opening on the era of fresh and unlooked-for discoveries which will soon reveal our present ignorance, our advance upon primitive ideas has been so great that it is difficult for us to realize what they were without an attentive and not uninstructive study of them.

Astronomy of the Bible (Large Print Edition)
Catalog #: SKU3329

Why should an astronomer write a commentary on the Bible? Because commentators as a rule are not astronomers, and therefore either pass over the astronomical allusions of Scripture in silence, or else annotate them in a way which, from a scientific point of view, leaves much to be desired.

Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects
Catalog #: SKU3030

Complete and unabridged reproduction of this outstanding NASA work. Reproduced in two volumes for easier handling while reading. 860 pages. Sold as set of 2 volumes.

Cosmos: A Physical Description of the Universe (5 volume set)
Catalog #: SKU2998

Von Humboldt's study of the cosmos represents a significant and important contribution to the general understanding of the physical world in the nineteenth century. - 5 volume set - facsimile of the Harper 1877 edition.

Discovery of a World in the Moone
Catalog #: SKU3834

Many ancient Philosophers of the better note, have formerly defended this assertion, which I have here laid downe, and it were to be wished, that some of us would more apply our endeavours unto the examination of these old opinions, which though they have for a long time lien neglected by others, yet in them may you finde many truths well worthy your paines and observation. Tis a false conceit, for us to thinke, that amongst the ancient variety and search of opinions, the best hath still prevailed.

Earths In Our Solar System
Catalog #: SKU3181

Inasmuch as, by the Divine mercy of the Lord, the interiors which are of my spirit have been opened in me, and it has thereby been given me to speak with spirits and angels, not only with those who are near our Earth, but also with those who are near other earths; and since I had an ardent desire to know whether there were other earths, and to know their character and the character of their inhabitants; it has been granted me by the Lord to speak and have intercourse with spirits and angels who are from other earths, with some for a day, with some for a week, with some for months; and to be instructed by them respecting the earths from and near which they were, and concerning the life, customs, and worship of their inhabitants, besides various other things there that are worthy of note. Large print 15 point font.

From India to the Planet Mars
Catalog #: SKU3847

Twenty-even ten-years ago the phenomena which Prof. Flournoy here describes in detail, and of which he offers a keen, skilful, psychological analysis, would have met with the sneers of popular science and the contempt of obscurantist orthodoxy; the book would have found few readers.

Globe Within The Sun
Catalog #: SKU3808

In presenting this volume to the "intelligence of the world," the author is fully aware of the incredulity with which it may meet in many literary minds. Nevertheless, the truths which it contains will remain unmarred by the salient attacks of "critics," when they have passed away and have ceased to be remembered.

Great Physical Forces
Catalog #: SKU3207

"Show me a man who makes no mistakes, and I will show you a man who has done nothing."-Liebig. In this little volume the author gives but his own personal opinions upon the subjects discussed, and although the sentiments are expressed with an assurance born of conviction, yet he claims not infallibility.

Hindu Astronomy - Surya Siddhanta
Catalog #: SKU2387

A translation of the astronomy book of the Ancient Hindus, the Surya Siddhanta. Amazing how much MORE they knew about the math, movement of the stars, the heavens, than people do today.

Hindu Book of Astrology
Catalog #: SKU3049

Astrology the ''pseudo-science" of the modern age, was mainstrean in the ancient world. The revelance and application of mathematics and astronomical sciences the ancients applied in astrology still dazzles the scientific world.

Influence of the Stars
Catalog #: SKU2392

Of all subjects that have at any time engaged the attention of the world, there is none more ancient than astrology.

Kepler's Sacred Geometry - The Harmonies of the World
Catalog #: SKU3893

As the generations of animals in this terrestrial globe have an image of the male in the dodecahedron, of the female in the icosahedron-whereof the dodecahedron rests on the terrestrial sphere from the outside and the icosahedron from the inside: what will we suppose the remaining globes to have, from the remaining figures?

Lost in Space
Catalog #: SKU0242

"It's about time, it's about space, it's a story about the human race".... this was a television entry jingle to a short lived show in the 1960's. "Lost in Space" was the title of a long running television science fiction show. While these were merely cutesy sayings for drawing in an audience, the words of both quotes are quite apropos when contemplating time and space. That's what this massive set is all about, contemplating space and time.

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