Historical Reprints Biographical


Altar of Venus
New Gospel of Interpretation
Solomon Maimon
Moll Flanders (E-mobi)
Most Ancient Lives of Saint Patrick



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Alexander the Great
Catalog #: SKU0255

600 pages of history of one the mysteries of history... Alexander the Great, who conquered much of the known world in a short period of time, and died mysteriously at a young age.

Altar of Venus
Catalog #: SKU3898

Despite the fact that this story is the erotic autobiography of one of our most famous contemporaries, whose name is known to only the secretary of this society, it is replete with action and thrills. It goes far beyond the usual run of erotic literature. It is a man's frank and honest search of his soul for the answer to that world old question: The riddle of the universe - Why and How is SEX and to what depths does it go.

Catalog #: SKU3685

Xenophon, it must be admitted, is not, like Plato, Thucydides, or Demosthenes, one of the greatest of Greek writers, but there are several considerations which should commend him to the general reader. He is more representative of the type of man whom the ordinary Englishman specially admires and respects, than any other of the Greek authors usually read.

Catalog #: SKU3849

St. Paphnutius used to tell a story which may serve as a fit introduction to this book. It contains a miniature sketch, not only of the social state of Egypt, but of the whole Roman Empire, and of the causes which led to the famous monastic movement in the beginning of the fifth century after Christ.

History of Sabatai Sevi
Catalog #: SKU3668

Whatever the appeal of Sevi's story may be for modern readers-as a mode of fiction, perhaps, or an instance of mass hysteria-Evelyn's discovery of an exemplum for religious and political enthusiasts may seem forced or reductive. In 1669, however, the interest of Englishmen in Jewish affairs was by no means merely academic-or narrowly commercial.

Mediaeval Mystic
Catalog #: SKU3792

A simple and readable account in English of the life and writings of a remarkable Flemish Mystic of the fourteenth century, a contemporary of our own Walter Hilton. Though his memory and honour have never faded in his own native Belgium, and though France and Germany have vied with each other in spreading his teaching and singing his praises, the very name of Blessed John Ruysbroeck is practically unknown this side of the water.

Moll Flanders (E-mobi)
Catalog #: SKU4058

The following novella is a work of editing and modernizing an original story, her autobiography, by Moll Flanders herself.

Moll Flanders (Kindle)
Catalog #: SKU4059

The following novella is a work of editing and modernizing an original story, her autobiography, by Moll Flanders herself.

Most Ancient Lives of Saint Patrick
Catalog #: SKU3821

The present volume has three objects in view: first, to present the life of Saint Patrick without writing a history of the national church which he founded or introducing irrelevant matter; secondly, to place his life and character before the reader as they have been handed down to us in the most ancient extant documents, without overcoating or withholding anything in the originals; and, thirdly, to deliver to the public at as low a price as possible the original documents grouped together.

New Gospel of Interpretation
Catalog #: SKU3673

With the invention of the telescope came an epoch in human history. To Hans Lippershey, a Dutch This book is designed (1) in satisfaction of the widely-expressed desire for a more particular account than has yet been rendered concerning the genesis of the writings claiming to constitute a "New Gospel of Interpretation"; and (2) in fulfilment of the duty incumbent on me as the survivor of the two recipients of such Gospel to spare no means which may minister to its recognition and acceptance by the world, for whose benefit it has been vouchsafed.

Nostradamus - The Man Who Saw Through Time
Catalog #: SKU3894

THE RICH, ACTIVELY FULFILLED LIFE of the French prophet, Michel de Nostradame, is the story of genius not only in its rarest but its most modern form. His ability foreshadowed a hope, now gaining a first hearing in this our day, that science may, in some not too remote tomorrow, discover principles of mental forces which will permit every man to realize within himself a reflection of the powers of Nostradamus.

Perils and Captivity
Catalog #: SKU3674

The catastrophe of the Medusa is already known to the public, as one of the most awful and appalling that ever befel any class of human beings. The Shipwreck, and the dreadful scenes on the Raft, have been recorded in the Narrative of Messrs Savigny and Correard. But the adventures of the party who were cast ashore, and forced to find their way through the African Desert, could be reported only imperfectly by those gentlemen who were not eye-witnesses.

Catalog #: SKU3832

Some men are renowned in history on account of the extraordinary powers and capacities which they exhibited in the course of their career, or the intrinsic greatness of the deeds which they performed. Others, without having really achieved any thing in itself very great or wonderful, have become widely known to mankind by reason of the vast consequences which, in the subsequent course of events, resulted from their doings.

Saint Ursula
Catalog #: SKU3796

To the ignorant a stumbling-stone, to the Philistines a laughing-stock, but to the Initiate a sweet remembrance of many a happy hour passed in informal chat with the Master.

Catalog #: SKU4026

A Life filled with the supernatural. Apparitions, Visions, Second Sight, Hypnotic Trances, Weird Mystic Ceremonies, Indian Magicians, Religious Rites.. and more in this biography.

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