Saint Ursula

Saint Ursula
Catalog # SKU3796
Publisher TGS Publishing
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name John Ruskin, Saint Ursula
ISBN 10: 0000000000
ISBN 13: 0000000000000


Saint Ursula

I. The Story of St. Ursula
II. The Dream of St. Ursula

John Ruskin
Saint Ursula

To the ignorant a stumbling-stone, to the Philistines a laughing-stock, but to the Initiate a sweet remembrance of many a happy hour passed in informal chat with the Master.

Print size, 12 point font



There was once a just and most Christian King of Britain, called Maurus. To him and to his wife Daria was born a little girl, the fairest creature that this earth ever saw. She came into the world wrapped in a hairy mantle, and all men wondered greatly what this might mean.

Then the King gathered together his wise men to inquire of them. But they could not make known the thing to him, for only God in Heaven knew how the rough robe signified that she should follow holiness and purity all her days, and the wisdom of St. John the Baptist. And because of the mantle, they called her Ursula, 'Little Bear.'

Now Ursula grew day by day in grace and loveliness, and in such wisdom that all men marvelled. Yet should they not have marvelled, since with God all things are possible. And when she was fifteen years old she was a light of all wisdom, and a glass of all beauty, and a fountain of Scripture and of sweet ways. Lovelier woman there was not alive.

Her speech was so full of all delight that it seemed as though an angel of Paradise had taken human flesh. And in all the kingdom no weighty thing was done without counsel of Ursula.

Softcover, 5½ x 8½ , 24 pages
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