Money Economics
Science of Money
A short, but good refresher on the theory of economics. Economics influences nearly everything we do in the modern world.
The Constitution does not provide for Advisers to Presidents, but the Hidden Government provided three advisers, viz., Col. E. Mandell House, Bernard Baruch and Sidney Weinberg. Baruch said "I am the most powerful man in the world." On September 15, 1934, Baruch reported in the Chicago Tribune, "I believe that national pride is a lot of nonsense."
The word Wealth presents itself to different minds with such variety of meaning, that it will be best to begin by fixing on some conventional limit to the sense in which the term shall be used. The definition of Mr. Malthus is, of the many which have been proposed, perhaps the least objectionable and the most convenient. Wealth, according to him, consists of those material objects which are necessary, useful, or agreeable to mankind.
What has been aimed at is to make "Getting Gold" a compendium, in specially concrete form, of useful information respecting the processes of winning from the soil and the after-treatment of gold and gold ores, including some original practical discoveries by the author.
The American Dream has been lost. Lost mainly by the greed and envy and politicians responding to demands from those who want to live on the work of others.
The right to coin money and regulate its value was the exclusive prerogative of the State. The author cites early historical examples when this special privilege of government was usurped.
THE CONNECTION OF THE CURRENCY WITH PRICES, AND THE EXPEDIENCY OF A SEPARATION OF ISSUE FROM BANKING. It was held by most writers of any authority on the subject of the Currency, till within the last few years, that the purposes of a mixed circulation of coin and paper were sufficiently answered, as long as the coin was perfect, and the paper constantly convertible into coin; and that the only evils to be guarded against by regulation, were those attending suspension of payment and insolvency of the banks, a large proportion of which blend an issue of promissory notes with their other business.
From history's foremost expert on value and money, Del Mar presents the history of money, without understanding monetary history, one would be ignorant of its role in civilization.
Gesell's celebrated work on monetary and social reform is a modern attempt to provide a solid basis for economic liberalism, the creed of Adam Smith and almost all the great nineteenth century economists in contrast to the twentieth century trend of collectivism and planned economy - accompanied by 'austerity', 'import restriction', 'dollar shortage', 'pegging the exchanges' and 'credit squeeze'.
Whence do things get their value? If we put the question to any intelligent and trained man of business, who had no knowledge of the various attempts of theorists towards an explanation of value, whose mind was unbiassed by the forms of speech which echo learned theories and have passed into ordinary business use, and who was, therefore, capable of judging only through the medium of his own personal experience, he would undoubtedly answer, as the first theorists did, -- "from their Utility."
THIS book is pragmatical, not philosophical; a practical manual, not a treatise upon theories. It is intended for the men and women whose most pressing need is for money; who wish to get rich first, and philosophize afterward.
This excellent book has been out of print now for quite some time. It is with pride that TGS Publishing is able to scan the original book and make it available to the public once again.
Gold or Silver, or Gold and Silver?? The author explains the importance of metallic money.
"Oscar Poole's life is an American story - God, country, and family; struggles, defeats and victories. From the pulpit to pork, he has served and inspired all of us."
- Jack Kingston, Congressman, First District of Georgia
How the Federal Reserve is the cause of and is controlling the US debt.