The Law
Texas and Law
Mind control, propaganda, ignorant religious zealots, lead to the way to civil war between the states... and the Republican party is still actively using these techniques to destroy the constitutional republic.
The Annexation of Texas was one of the most hotly debated issues in the US in the 1840s. It was illegal since it violated treaties with the Republic of Mexico, it set the North against the South since the Mason-Dixon line compromise made it automatically a slave state, nor did the US government did not have the constitutional authority of annexation. The annexation efforts failed, the treaty failed the US senate. Only by political subversion was Texas admitted to the Union.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercises thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the rights of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
How a Texas Traitor sacrificed his honor and sold his state to Rockefeller's Standard Oil.
Originally published in 1880 the Biographical Encyclopedia of Texas carries a rare and unique listing with bios of Texans seldom remembered in history courses. Heroes and Statesmen & Women that should never be forgotten are brought forward in this reprint.
The following is the case of and for the people of the Republic of Texas. While referred to as a court case - it is a political question, since no government court or international court has jurisdiction to rule on the facts or its merits. The United States House of Representatives has refused to bring this political question to the floor of the House for over 140 years.
Slavery is the first thing people point to when talking about the War of Northern Tyranny against the South. While slavery was one of the causes, the move to secession was due to a multitude of unconstitutional acts of the US against the South.
The object of this book is to present a general view of the Common Law. To accomplish the task, other tools are needed besides logic. It is something to show that the consistency of a system requires a particular result, but it is not all. The life of the law has not been logic: it has been experience. The felt necessities of the time, the prevalent moral and political theories, intuitions of public policy, avowed or unconscious, even the prejudices which judges share with their fellow-men, have had a good deal more to do than the syllogism in determining the rules by which men should be governed.
History ignores the FACT that the Southern states were legally and constitutionally in the right. Though slavery was morally wrong, the North and the Republican party had legal avenues to change the constitution, but instead chose war. The fascist boot of the Republican Party remains a milestone around the neck of freedom.
The fact that there is no modern or even ancient accessible work on the nature and powers of constitutional conventions, has led me to attempt to fill the gap with the present book, which represents no preconceived theory, but rather merely an impartial collection of all the available law and precedent.
This comprehensive history traces the quest for a peaceable and lawful revolution, from Britain's Glorious Revolution to Canada's current situation, with a special emphasis on the constitutional questions raised by the American Civil War.
Written approximately 20 years before he became president, Wilson offers an objective view of the divisions caused by the federal government between the states from 1829 to 1889. A unique look into the shameful history of the US and its states from one of the statesmen of the early 20th century, a president of the United States. Wilson was the president during the Great War (1918). This TGS reprint is a large style book with a print larger than the original.
One of the greatest mysteries in the annals of American history was the Great Civil War. State against State. Brother against Brother. Father against Son. This war remains one of the largest scams of the US Federal government against its founding documents, against its founding fathers, and against the very foundation that the nation was established on. This book written by a Northerner, in 1868, is an objective view of that horrible blight in human history.
The Laws of England may aptly enough be divided into two Kinds, viz. Lex Scripta, the written Law: and Lex non Scripta, the unwritten Law: For although (as shall be shewn hereafter) all the Laws of this Kingdom have some Monuments or Memorials thereof in Writing, yet all of them have not their Original in Writing; for some of those Laws have obtain'd their Force by immemorial Usage or Custom, and such Laws are properly call'd Leges non Scriptae, or unwritten Laws or Customs.
One of the more curious admissions by silence of the US government was the refusal to charge and try Jefferson Davis as a traitor! President Davis did nothing wrong...