This book was transcribed and compiled in 1835 and an additional parchment of the manuscript was found and published two years later in 1837. This edition includes the orginal book and the additional supplement. Candlemas Day was written or transcribed in 551 CE by Jhan Parfre. This is a facsimile edition of the original publications.
A rare treatise connecting dots between the Mystery Religions, Old Testament stories and prophecies, and New Testatment prophecies, including the USA in prophetic light. This is a facsimile reprint of the 1858 edition
THE RICH, ACTIVELY FULFILLED LIFE of the French prophet, Michel de Nostradame, is the story of genius not only in its rarest but its most modern form. His ability foreshadowed a hope, now gaining a first hearing in this our day, that science may, in some not too remote tomorrow, discover principles of mental forces which will permit every man to realize within himself a reflection of the powers of Nostradamus.
Did Nostradamus predict the coming of a World War 3? The author studies the quatrains to find out. With the world in constant political turbulence, is it possible that a great war was predicted by this famous seer and healer?
Not long ago, previously unpublished documents believed to have been written In Nostradamus' own hand began to surface among the wealthy upper crust of European society. Among these documents were Nostradamus notes on the meaning of dreams as well as the lucky numbers which coincided with each dream. Also found among his elaborate maze of notes was a key as to how these dream interpretations could be applied to each and every person, regardless of which century they were to live.
Did Nostradamus predict the coming of a World War 3? The author studies the quatrains to find out. With the world in constant political turbulence, is it possible that a great war was predicted by this famous seer and healer?
On numerous occasions and over a long period of time I have predicted specific events far in advance, attributing all to the workings of divine power and inspiration, together with other fortunate or unfortunate happenings, foreseen in their full unexpectedness, which have already come to pass in various regions of the earth. Yet I have wished to remain silent and abandon my work because of the injustice not only of the present time but also for most of the future.
Carefully reproduced facsimile edition of this hard to find work on the great philosopher, scientist, and Biblical Scholar Issac Newton. A study into the Biblical theories of prophecies of Issac Newton, many based on his scientific and mathematial expertise. The author William Whitley adds his own research into the prophecies by adding historical background, explanations, definitions, and alternate views. Vegetable life, for instance, is a miracle of God, that we fail to recognize.