Spirituality-Religions Religious History


Deon Chronicles
Crucifixion of the Truth
Lobsang Rampa : New Age Trailblazer
Twin Deception
Books of Enoch
Jesus - Last of the Great Pharoahs

Religious History


6th and 7th Books of Moses
Catalog #: SKU0812

The Sixth Book of Moses is also known as "Moses' Magical Spirit-Art". The Sixth Book contains

A Book of Shadows
Catalog #: SKU1593

Ring the bell, light the candle and open the Book of Shadows -- this has long been the method for seeking arcane lore and delving into the mysterious Powers that rule the Universe. Wizards, Witches, Magicians and Students of the Occult Arts and Psychic Sciences have long sought out the Wisdom of the Ancients, found in the pages of dusty and neglected tomes of hidden and forgotten knowledge.

A Hebrew Deluge Story in Cuneiform
Catalog #: SKU2415

The Great Flood holds mankind's awe at the sheer devastation that a flood could bring on civilization. Here's yet another version found in libraries, once buried, now recovered.

Aaron's Breastplate
Catalog #: SKU2827

Several interesting essays, including the Time Machine and the Bible...

Acts of the Adepts : Holy Mesnevi Book 1
Catalog #: SKU1886

Few in the western world know who the Rumi was - His genius and philosophical thought could be equated with that of Rashi of Judaism or St. Augustine of Christianity. Rumi is the 'true' mystic of Islam, and is accredited with being the founder of the sect called Dervishes, whose dancing has thrilled audiences around the world. El Eflaki was a historian documenting the acts of Islam's famous mystics and leaders.

Against Apion and Life of Flavius Josephus
Catalog #: SKU3248

A written debate answer over the accuracy of the history of the Jews. New Edition, Omnibus, Lg Pt. 15 pt font

Ahkmim Fragment, The
Catalog #: SKU2360

The Apocryphal Gospel of St. Peter : A long forgotten manuscript of the Gospel of Peter.

Alchemy Rediscovered and Restored
Catalog #: SKU0825

This rare book tells the story of alchemy so that most all can understand. The cryptic language and symbolism commonly found is laid bare so we can comprehend exactly what was meant and what was happening during the pursuit of the alchemical elixir.

Alien Space Gods of Ancient Greece and Rome
Catalog #: SKU3501

In this study you are now reading, the late Britisher W.R. Drake impressively offers up almost inarguable evidence that the so-called Gods of Antiquity were not just illusionary but were instead real flesh and blood beings who emerged from the sky and made themselves right at home as if this was their world to begin with.

Catalog #: SKU1374

THERE is surely no need to-day to insist on the importance of a close study of the Koran for all who would comprehend the many vital problems connected with the Islamic World; and yet few of us, I imagine, among the many who possess translations of this book have been at pains to read it through. It must, however, be borne in mind that the Koran plays a far greater role among the Muhammadans than does the Bible in Christianity in that it provides not only the canon of their faith, but also the textbook of their ritual and the principles of their Civil Law.

Allied Countries and The Jews
Catalog #: SKU3502

Every American is now more than ever interested in Europe, and especially in those countries with which we are associated in the War. France, in particular, claims our attention. It is for this reason that as Jews we cannot help being interested in the relation of France to the Jewish people.

Amber Witch
Catalog #: SKU2247

Study the symbolism within the three major religions of China. Written by a Christian missionary preacher, intended to expose these religions as evil and idolatrous, the author did however reveal many unknown facts about these religions.

American Hero-Myths
Catalog #: SKU3300

This little volume is a contribution to the comparative study of religions. It is an endeavor to present in a critically correct light some of the fundamental conceptions which are found in the native beliefs of the tribes of America.

American Indians, The
Catalog #: SKU3485

Very little, it is conceived, is necessary to enable the reader to determine the writer's position on the extreme south western frontiers, in the year 1818. He had spent the summer of that year in traversing the mine district, which extends along the right bank of the Mississippi, between the mouth of the Maromeg and the diluvial cliffs south of Cape Girardeau, extending west and south westward to the sources of the St. Francis.

An Androgynous Babylonian Divinity
Catalog #: SKU3979

An unusual revelation about one of our ancient gods; or goddess?
