Crucifixion of the Truth

Crucifixion of the Truth
Catalog # SKU0872
Publisher Joshua Books
Weight 1.50 lbs
Author Name Tony Bushby


Crucifixion of the Truth

Contriving to Deceive

by Tony Bushby

Tony Bushby's
Long Awaited Third Book

The recent publication of ancient scriptures revealed incontrovertible evidence of an intrinsic system of priestly fraudulence operation within Christianity. These writings exposed a church in which false pretences are the basis of its existence and forged texts form the essence of its history and preaching.

Tony Bushby Takes His
Readers Into the World of
Ecclesiastical Dishonesty

Using the scroll discovery, papal statements and the evidence of history as the basis of his assertions, Tony Bushby takes his readers into the shadowy world of ecclesiastical dishonesty where for centuries, an unprincipled church plotted and schemed its stratagem to penetrate and maintain a false faith and exploit a gullible public.

Now, new evidence from church archives reveals Christianity's darkest secret--- and the conclusion is staggering.

The source of knowledge revealed is backed up by the author as in his previous books and is there for all to research and verify.

The Discovery of Hidden Vatican Scrolls
and the Falsehoods They Reveal about Christianity

In The Crucifixion of Truth, the chapters include:

Chapter 1
The discovery of hidden church scrolls
What the two important scrolls are
Gospel of John unauthentic
Origin of the Book of Revelation
Plagiarism in the New Testament

Chapter 2
Who were the early church fathers
Many gods and goddesses
The nature of the early churchmen
Creating self-importance
Dishonesty in the early church

Chapter 3
Duped by charlatans

Chapter 4
Gods and the church councils
New research material
King Constantine’s bloodline
Reasons for the first religious ‘destitute of foundation’
The two gods of Christianity
Selecting a god
The earliest New testament
The untitled manuscript
The British ‘Roman church’
Church council meetings commence

Chapter 5
The essence of the Christian texts
Gospel authors imposters
Slain saviour-gods
Uncovering the ‘Christian’ cover-up
What did the priest find?
Suppression of the Book of Enoch
The ‘Secret Sermon on the Mountain’

Chapter 6
What virgin?
False verses in Matthew’s Gospel
Earlier virgin births
How Mary became ‘Mother of God’
Suppression of the Black Madonnas

Chapter 7
An ancient document feared by the church

Chapter 8
A glaring omission in the world’s oldest Bible
Disturbing elements at work
The other version of ‘raising of Lazarus’

Chapter 9
Gods on crosses
The dream that passed for history
A statement of truth
Ancient parallels

Chapter 10
Priestly fakeries
Ancient fakes still credited

Chapter 11
Messianic ‘prophesies’ false
The cancelled ‘second coming’
Origin of the concept of ‘messianic prophesy’

Chapter 12
Miracles ‘simply silly stories’
The day the Zombies marched to town
Stilling the tempest
Flying with the Devil
New Testament ‘contains fictions’
Fooling the people
Holy fools

Chapter 13
Cardial Mohammed

Chapter 14
Why the church banned the Bible
Gospels written by ‘idiots’
Enforcing belief
Certifying forged documents

Chapter 15
Papal forgeries
The Pope Sylvester forgeries
The ‘fiery cross’ in heaven
The ‘False Decretals’
The full fruition of forgery
Fake Apostolic Letters and Creeds
Forging historical records

Chapter 16
Empty pretence… Trinity
A forgery within a forgery

Chapter 17
New testament anomalies
Late appearance of the Gospels
Gospels withheld
Removal of reincarnation verses from Gospels
Mythical predecessors
Liber Pontificalis
Peter and false papal information
Words falsely attributed to Jesus
The false nature attributed to Jesus
The false nature of the Acts of the Apostles
Interpolations in the Pauline Epistles
The face-saving procedure
Lost books of the Bible

Chapter 18
The church censors
Christian history not honestly reported

Chapter 19
Apologetics and martyrs

Chapter 20
Unknown cities
City of Jerusalem not yet built
Transfiguration a problem
City of Nazareth unknown
Non-existence of Nazareth… another possibility

Chapter 21
False sanctity
Rite of passage
Depravity of churchmen
1500 prostitutes hired for church council
The Pope who disbelieved Christianity
The church’s lowest ebb
The benefit of clergy
Mimicking holiness
The Fatima secret

Chapter 22
The development of enforcement of belief
Throat-cutting in church
Burning opponents
Ecclesiastical murder
The Pope’s waterloo
Shrieks of the innocent dying
‘Forgive us our sins’ (Pope John Paul II)

Chapter 23
The forerunner writing of the Gospel of John
The forerunner writing of the Book of revelation


Real issues withheld from the people

This book presents an overview of the Christian church's untruthful presentation of the story ofJesus Christ and was initiated by the discovery of ancient scrolls in secret Vatican archives. It states its proofs and demonstrates from historical records, ecclesiastical confessions, archival manuscripts, oldest Bibles, published church admissions and acknowledged academic authorities, that:

1. The New Testament, in the strictest legal and moral sense, is a forgery; every Gospel and booklet it carries is falsified; and significant passages upon which the fabric of the church and its principal dogmas were founded are fictitious narratives.

2. Christianity originated and flourished on dishonesty false pretence, deception, and feigned piety; and in ensuing centuries its leaders industriously engaged in the cover-up of information that exposed the real nature of clergy and their false doctrine.

3. Church history was knowingly falsified with deliberate fabrication of a whole Christian literature, manipulated to hide the true nature of Christian beginnings; the church concealed the essence of the truth of its origins and matters where self-interests of the priesthood were concerned; and for 1700 years perpetrated the frauds herein revealed, and was their chief beneficiary.

The historical realities raised in this work are not taught in schools nor mentioned in church sermons and, because of their sensitive nature, are withheld or denied by the priesthoodihe observations reveal that the general populace is purposely misguided on fundamental doctrinal issues, and the truth of the growth of Christianity is very different than publicly presented.

Origin of the Book of Revelation

Few people will have heard of the and the insight they contain. They are a collection of prophecies written by a woman named Heropbile (circa 500 BC) who lived in a cave near the ancient town of Cumae, in Campania, Italy She was known as the Cumaean Sibyl, and the general populous considered her 'a slowly ageing but immortal priestess.' The remains of Cumae and the adjoining caves are two hours drive from Rome and open to tourists today. Herophile was one of several women who prophesied under the supposed inspiration of some deity; and delivered her prophecies in a frenzied state. She was considered the greatest seer of Pagan antiquity and her 'heathen oracles' played a most significant part in early Christian times. With the discovery of the 'Vatican Scrolls' it is possible to prove the Sibyl's influence reached deeply into the New Testament, for one of those scrolls was written by her and later became the Book of Revelation.

Herophile lived some 500 years before the commencement of the Christian era and appeared before the king of ancient Rome, Tarquin the Proud ('traditionally 510 BC'). For the pricey sum of 300 gold pieces, she offered to sell him nine volumes of her perplexing writings called The Mysteries of Osiris and Isis. Upon his refusal to buy, the prophetess departed from his presence and burned three of her writings in the palace courtyard, and then offered the remaining six books at the original price. King Tarquin again refused, whereupon three days later the Sibyl returned and publicly burned three more of her prophetic writings. Once again, she demanded the original asking price for the remaining three books.There was much local gossip about the strange goings-on, and the king's curiosity was aroused to the point that he purchased the last three writings at the original asking price. The Sibyl then vanished and was never seen again.

Suppression of the Book of Enoch

In the fabrication of Constantine's New Testament, Eusebius also drew on verses .from the and that provided the motive for the church later denouncing, banning, and cursing the book; finally condemning it in explicit terms in the Apostolic Constitutions. It was removed from circulation and became 'lost' for nearly 1400 years, but with uncanny persistence, it surfaced and made its way back into circulation in 1773 when three surviving copies were found preserved in an Ethiopian church by Scotsman, James Bruce. Orthodox Christian scholars then claimed that it was a post-Christian writing because of similarities to large numbers of New Testament terminologies. However, the discovery of eight more copies among the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1947 proved that the Book of Enoch was in existence long before the advent of Christianity. The copies found in the Q'umran caves confirmed suspicions in some quarters that it was the scribes of the Essene commnunity who penned the original version of the Book of Enoch and, from internal evidence, the consensus of qualified opinion is that it was written sometime around 150-12OBC.

Observant Bible readers realize that at least one copy of the Book of Enoch was in circulation during early centuries for it is referred to by name, and quoted as 'inspired scripture' in the New Testament Book of Jude. The writings of the early church record that the now canonical Book of Jude was initially rejected from the canon for the very reason of its acceptance of the dogma of the Book Enoch. However, after a long and bitter debate about the 'contaminated' Verse 14, the Book ofJude was eventually included in the canon in 397, some 16 years after it was rejected at the first Council of Constantinople in 381.

"I read five pages and I was absorbed with the content. -- After ten pages I was hooked. This is probably the most damning revelation of the origins of the New Testament myths, fables and Christianity." -- L. Savage, HiddenMysteries

"A knock-out blow for Christian Fundamentalism" - Michelle Daniels, Independent

"No greater embarrassment could fall upon the Christian Church" - Rev Kenneth O'Reilly, Seventh Day Adventist Church, Sydney Australia

Imported from Australia
Softbound, 6 x 9, 320 pages


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