The Human Mind
Healing of the Mind
This book is dangerous because it declares, as openly and clearly as possible, that people-and that means you, me, and everybody else-are not on this earth to wave a flag, or kill for God, or flip burgers, or convert the riches of the planet into scribbles on a ledger. ---32 Mind Opening Chapters!
This series was transcribed and edited to make the book, NEW MAGIC ERA. My CD lectures explore the spirit of what magic is really all about: imagination and creating and going beyond provincial ideas about systems and patterns and foolish New Age imagery.
From Sigmund Freud's International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, the psychological study of the meaning and reasons for anal-erotic traits and behavior.
This series was transcribed and edited to make the book, NEW MAGIC ERA. My CD lectures explore the spirit of what magic is really all about: imagination and creating and going beyond provincial ideas about systems and patterns and foolish New Age imagery.
This set of CDs was transcribed and edited to make the book, NEW MAGIC ERA. My CD lectures explore the spirit of what magic is really all about: imagination and creating and going beyond provincial ideas about systems and patterns and foolish New Age imagery.
SUPPOSING that Truth is a woman-what then? Is there not ground for suspecting that all philosophers, in so far as they have been dogmatists, have failed to understand women-that the terrible seriousness and clumsy importunity with which they have usually paid their addresses to Truth, have been unskilled and unseemly methods for winning a woman?
Containing an account of the gradual development of human personality into cosmic personality through GERALDINE CUMMINS
One of the early psychological studies into the homosexual and bi-sexual lifestyles.
From Sigmund Freud's International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, a study of the underlying mental reasons for mental castration, effemination of men, and the reasons for penis envy of women.
This series was transcribed and edited to make the book, NEW MAGIC ERA. My CD lectures explore the spirit of what magic is really all about: imagination and creating and going beyond provincial ideas about systems and patterns and foolish New Age imagery.
There is no doubt that hypnotism is a very old subject, though the name was not invented till 1850. In it was wrapped up the "mysteries of Isis" in Egypt thousands of years ago, and probably it was one of the weapons, if not the chief instrument of operation, of the magi mentioned in the Bible and of the "wise men" of Babylon and Egypt. "Laying on of hands" must have been a form of mesmerism, and Greek oracles of Delphi and other places seem to have been delivered by priests or priestesses who went into trances of self-induced hypnotism.
The author was a medical doctor and a Mason. His insights into both fields of study provide rare insights into the age of enlightenment of the late 1800s.
The words "dream interpretation" were and still are indeed fraught with unpleasant, unscientific associations. They remind one of all sorts of childish, superstitious notions, which make up the thread and woof of dream books, read by none but the ignorant and the primitive.
A Practical Guide for Psychic Self-Protection - Our lives are a constant exchange of energy. More often than not we are like molecules, randomly reacting and responding to external energy forces that we are not aware of. One such force is the energy vampire: individuals who take excessive amounts of energy without giving anything in return, leaving us drained and ineffectual.
Man's interest in character is founded on an intensely practical need. In whatsoever relationship we deal with our fellows, we base our intercourse largely on our understanding of their characters. The trader asks concerning his customer, "Is he honest?" and the teacher asks about the pupil, "Is he earnest?" The friend bases his friendship on his good opinion of his friend; the foe seeks to know the weak points in the hated one's make-up; and the maiden yearning for her lover whispers to, herself, "Is he true?" Upon our success in reading the character of others, upon our understanding of ourselves hangs a good deal of our life's success or failure.