Biography Mediaeval Mystic

Mediaeval Mystic

Mediaeval Mystic
Catalog # SKU3792
Publisher TGS Publishing
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name Dom Vincent Scully
ISBN 10: 0000000000
ISBN 13: 0000000000000


A Mediaeval Mystic

A Short Account Of The Life
And Writings Of Blessed John
Ruysbroeck, Canon Regular Of
Groenendael A.D. 1293-1381

Dom Vincent Scully

A simple and readable account in English of the life and writings of a remarkable Flemish Mystic of the fourteenth century, a contemporary of our own Walter Hilton. Though his memory and honour have never faded in his own native Belgium, and though France and Germany have vied with each other in spreading his teaching and singing his praises, the very name of Blessed John Ruysbroeck is practically unknown this side of the water.

Print size, 13 point font



Blessed John Ruysbroeck, surnamed the Admirable and the Divine Doctor, by common consent the greatest Mystic the Low Countries have ever produced, was born, A.D. 1293, at Ruysbroeck, a village some miles south of Brussels, lying between that city and Hal.

According to the fashion of those days, especially with Religious, he was named after his birthplace, John van Ruysbroeck, or John Ruysbroeck. The Venerable à Kempis, the Latinised form of van Kempen, is a case in point; Thomas was so named after his native town, Kempen, though his patronymic was Haemerken. Of Ruysbroeck, however, we know of no other surname; neither do his biographers so much as mention his father. But like many another great servant of God, John was blessed with a good mother, a devout woman who trained her child from the cradle to walk in the paths of Christian piety and perfection. She is charged with only one fault, that she loved her son too tenderly!

Perhaps we are to understand by this that the poor woman opposed the boy's early aspirations after a more retired life than could be found even in the peaceful shelter of his own pious home. This would also explain John's first recorded act. At the age of eleven years he ran away from home! How many a lad before and since has torn himself away from a loving mother's too fond embrace to quell the ardour of a restless spirit in the quest of adventure!

John also was eager and dissatisfied; but the larger sphere for which he sighed was to be sought along the unaccustomed ways which lead to the sublime heights and the rarified atmosphere of mystic contemplation.

Softcover, 5½ x 8½ , 96 pages
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