![Large Print Apocrypha](http://www.hiddenmysteries.com/xcart/images/T/1937.jpg)
By request, TGS now offers a large print (16 point font) Apocrypha.
The First Book of Esdras
According to the book "To Eliminate the Opiate" (out of print) by Rabbi Antelman, the Illuminati formed a committee entitled the Biblical Destruction Group in 1776. This committee disbanded 50 years later.
In 1826 the Apocrypha, (fourteen books of the Bible) was removed from the protestant editions of the King James Bible.
What were in these books that the Illuminati had to keep from the average person? What truths had to be hidden, and particularly in the United States?
"What is the test of inspiration?" In the instructions God gave Moses He said:
"When a prophet speaketh in the name of the Lord, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord hath not spoken."
By this test Esdras' (Ezra) writings are inspired. Already his remarkable prophecies pertaining to the activities of two heads of the three headed eagle have been fulfilled in detail in the rise and fall of Fascism and Nazism. The Communists are even now moving to to fulfill the alloted part assigned to them under the sybolism of the remaining head. Esdras clearly foresaw the destruction of both the Nazi and Fascist governments and gives the results which will follow the evil aggression of the Communists. Here is information which God told Esdras was to be given only to the wise among His people.
Another comparison to our modern times, from Dr. Vendyl Jones, is concerning the EAGLE nation of the United States, which is an eagle symbol, its government having three heads (heads of government, Judicial, Executive, Legislative), thus an obvious correlation to Esdras' three-headed eagle.
This is a 'must own' addition to any scholarly library and any student in study of truth.
You can read this and other remarkable prophecies if you possess the Apocrypha, for 1st and 2nd Esdras are only two of the fourteen books compiling the Apocrypha.
The Second Book of Esdras
The Rest of the Chapters of the Book of Esther
The First Book of the Maccabees
The Second Book of the Maccabees
The Book of Tobit
The Book of Judith
The Book of Wisdom
The Book of Sirach
The Book of Baruch
The Epistle of Jeremiah
The Book of Susanna
The Prayer of Azariah
The Prayer of Manasseh
The Book of Bel and the Dragon
11¼" height 8" width - 435+ pages
Perfect-Bound - LARGE PRINT