Fully updated to reflect the nutritional needs of the '80s, this new edition of the classic guide to herbal medicine, natural foods and home remedies underscores the fundamental principle that true healing consists of a return to natural habits of living.
Herbs have been used traditionally for healing by mankind for many thousands of years. They represent the ancient way of harmony, wherein nature provides the healing powers to energize, recharge and re-balance. There is increasing interest in herbs today as we become disillusioned with the strong and imbalanced drugs and chemicals of the western medical model. We have brought together some of the finest herbal texts available, including texts from a number of different herbal healing traditions, including Ayurveda and Chinese Herbology.
Now in its expanded, updated revised edition with a new index to make the book easier to use, this is the original classic text (with more than 4 million copies sold) that helped create the natural foods industry. It remains today one of the major texts on herbs, natural diet and lifestyle and wholistic health. This is the authorized Kloss family edition with the family archival photographs and reminiscences included.
Softcover, 7x4.28", 936 pages