Health-Healing Health Studies Chiropractic Made Simple

Chiropractic Made Simple

Chiropractic Made Simple
Catalog # SKU0528
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name John Reizer


Chiropractic Made Simple
Working With The Controlling Laws of Nature

by Dr. John L. Reizer

Chiropractic Made Simple is an interesting book that sets out to explore the more traditional subluxation-based approach to chiropractic care. Dr. John Reizer, a chiropractor for over 16 years and a faculty member in the clinical science department at Sherman College of Straight Chiropractic, writes about his observations and conclusions regarding America's largest drugless healthcare profession.

According to the author, learning to work with the controlling laws of nature and not against them is the key to achieving true health for patients. Dr. Reizer goes on to state that many of the current objectives of modern allopathic healthcare are antiquated and disrupt the natural healing tendencies of human physiology.

A continuous campaign of pharmaceutical advertising has been unleashed on the American culture in an effort to convince people that health is attained from an external source. Dr. Reizer's experience as a chiropractic provider and college instructor has helped him to uncover what he considers to be one of the best kept health secrets in the world, the chiropractic spinal adjustment.

Find out in this book why the author believes that certain controlling forces have worked so diligently over the years to keep the subluxation-based philosophy of chiropractic away from the public and how "organized medicine" has had a major influence in promoting a more suitable condition-based chiropractic objective for Americans. Although controversial to some, many of the topics that are discussed in this book should be explored in further detail by the average person. The author hopes this book will serve as an appetizer for readers' curiosity and that more citizens will take part in their own independent study in the years to come.

Softbound, 5x8, 108 pages

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