The human body as a mechanism is far from perfect. It can be beaten or surpassed at almost every point by some product of the machine-shop or some animal. It does almost nothing perfectly or with absolute precision. As Huxley most unexpectedly remarked a score of years ago, "If a manufacturer of optical instruments were to hand us for laboratory use an instrument so full of defects and imperfections as the human eye, we should promptly decline to accept it and return it to him.
Much has been said and written about Naturopathy; Naturopathic practitioners have come much into prominence within the past few years; and everybody seems to be more or less aware of the fact that practically every sanitarium of any importance in either Europe or America is Naturopathic in theory and practice
IT is with a sense of the seriousness of the issues involved that I set myself to the task of writing a book on psychic attack and the best methods of defence against it. The undertaking is beset with pitfalls. It is hardly possible to give practical information on the methods of psychic defence without at the same time giving practical information on the methods of psychic attack.
The men of the nineteenth century have harnessed the forces of the outer world. The age is now at hand that shall harness the energies of mind, new-found in the psychological laboratory, and shall put them at the service of humanity.
A look at the devastation of the mental capabilities of the person seeking the American style of futurism, rather than living in the moment for life, fun, etc.
Famed Sexual psychologist Havelock teaches students about his research and remedies for a happier sexual life.
Existence as we know it, Birth and Death, Astral- physical- spiritual life, Psychic Visions, Subliminal Self ransmutation: Sex, Law of Vibration, Solar Plexus, Law of Concentration-Meditaion Awakening: Aspiration, Subconsious Mind, Obsession Mastership: Cosmic Consiousness, Happiness, Dominion, Healing
The successful treatment of obesity from a European doctor in the early 1900s. With the USA now under a pandemic of obesity problems, perhaps it is time to study the methods proven successful in the past.
An ancient therapy used in China, Egypt, and India, reflexology provides effective, holistic treatment for both common and more serious disorders. According to reflexology, the hands and feet are microcosms of the body, containing points or zones that relate to individual glands, nerves, muscles, and organs. Reflexology harnesses the body's healing energy
To strive to be as healthy as possible is an ideal goal. Health is defined as a state of comfort, where the body functions at an optimal level, physically and mentally. Disease is defined as a state of distress. It is a disturbance, where the body is plagued with discomfort, pain, and disablement.
This book is a reprint of TGS Alternative/Survival Health books. "Return to Nature" was written by a man humanely inclined, and with a heart for the lowly as well as for all men who work towards the betterment of Humanity. May this volume be the means of spreading and propagating, health, peace and happiness, hope, faith and enlightenment in the thousand homes.
Risking Being Alive is a collection of ideas, experiments and readings which introduce psychological tools that can be used to increase the sharpness with which you see and relate to the world. Used properly they will enable you to enrich your life and become master of your fate.
With the current rabid debate over government forced vaccinations (Gardisil, Swine Flu) - this reprint may just hold the key to maintaining health without the constant use of drugs?
This book is a reprint of TGS Alternative/Survival Health books. The book is written primarily for the lay reader. Hence, whenever a surmise is made or an unproved theory advanced, the attitude of the mind of the author regarding it is plainly displayed. Likewise, whenever absolute harmony has been accomplished between theory and fact, no doubt is permitted the reader in statements of truth discovered.
Ever wonder what your grandparents and great-grandparents used to stay healthy, cure diseases, and get relief from pains? This book gives the recipes of the medicines that they used.