This book is a reprint of TGS Alternative/Survival Health books. "Return to Nature" was written by a man humanely inclined, and with a heart for the lowly as well as for all men who work towards the betterment of Humanity. May this volume be the means of spreading and propagating, health, peace and happiness, hope, faith and enlightenment in the thousand homes.
Excerpt from the Introduction: HiddenMysteries
The Simpler Life is the demand of the hour. The confusions of a complex civilization, the disintegration of the old-fashioned home, the distractions of international discord, the perplexity of the individual mind wavering between the evolution of Science and the revolution of Theology - all these disturbing elements have settled moodily into a sense of universal unrest, that pervades the mingled atmosphere of nations.
Poets, preachers, philosophers, even diplomatists and politicians have propounded causes and proposed cures innumerable. But the dream of Individual Peace and Universal Harmony is as yet but a beautiful vision of prophetic revelation. And realization seems too remote to reckon with.
Simply because we humans have persistently sought Peace from external conditions.
One single attainment would bring the concept from the clouds into the concrete - Be at peace with yourself.
This is not moralizing.
Nor philosophizing.
Nor rhapsodizing.
It is the energizing impulse that constrained Adolph Just to renounce the grimy smoke, mental fog and moral miasma of artificial civilization and seek from the clear pure horizon-vantage of Nature the secret of Health, Happiness and Universal Oneness. This book reveals the secret.
It is so simple, easy and unpretentious that the world's greatest scientists, doctors and savants have quite overlooked it. Would you be whole, in body, mind and spirit? Would you live to be twice threescore-and-ten, each year growing younger, happier, better?
Would you feel consciously superior to cooks, doctors, druggists and undertakers, and everlastingly immune to all forms of Disease? Would you, incidentally, halve the cost of living, and lift housewifery from the drudging routine of three-meals-a-day-and-a lunch to the imperial freedom of meal-time abolished?
Would you evolve from a wretched, dyspeptic, fearful pessimist into a cheery, strong, courageous optimist?
Would you thrill in tune with every bird and flower and rill in "God's great out-of-doors," finding your own divinity reflected in every living thing?
Would you become the supreme embodiment of Health, Beauty, Grace, Power, Truth, Wisdom, Love?
Then return to Nature - that's all. For Nature is the true interpreter of the Infinite: no other voice whispers truths so potent to awaken, arouse and inspire Humanity.
But one word more as regards my functions as Editor of the English Edition. Animated by a deep spirit of veneration and respect for the humanitarian author, Adolf Just, I have made but very few alterations and corrections. I have ventured to amend the translation in so far only as it appeared to me to be indispensable for the better understanding of the English and American public.
In conclusion I give expression to the sincere wish that every reader of this book may be as much benefited by "Returning to Nature" as I have been.
Naturopathic Physician
400+pages - 5 x 8 inches SoftCover