Health-Healing Psychological-Sexual Psychology and Achievement

Psychology and Achievement

Psychology and Achievement
Catalog # SKU3704
Publisher TGS Publishing
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name Warren Hilton
ISBN 10: 0000000000
ISBN 13: 0000000000000


Psychology and Achievement

Applications of Psychology
to the Problems of Personal
and Business Efficiency

Warren Hilton

The men of the nineteenth century have harnessed the forces of the outer world. The age is now at hand that shall harness the energies of mind, new-found in the psychological laboratory, and shall put them at the service of humanity.

Larger Print, 14 point font



Are you fully equipped to take a valiant part in the work of the coming years?

The Dollars and Cents of Mental Waste

The greatest of all eras is at hand! Are you increasing your fitness to appreciate it and take part in it, or are you merely passing your time away?

Take careful note for a week of the incidents of your daily life-your methods of work, habits of thought, modes of recreation. You will discover an appalling waste in your present random methods of operation.

How many foot-pounds of energy do you suppose you annually dump into the scrap-heap of wasted effort?

What does this mean to you in dollars and cents? In conscious usefulness? In peace and happiness?

Individual mental efficiency is an absolute prerequisite to any notable personal achievement or any great individual success. Your mental energies are the forces with which you must wage your battles in this world.

The Means to Notable Achievement

Are you prepared to direct and deploy these forces with masterful control and strategic skill?

Are you prepared to use all your reserves of mental energy in the crises of your career?

Individual mental efficiency is an absolute prerequisite to any notable personal achievement or any great individual success. Your mental energies are the forces with which you must wage your battles in this world. Are you prepared to direct and deploy these forces with masterful control and strategic skill? Are you prepared to use all your reserves of mental energy in the crises of your career?

A Mighty and Intelligent Power resides within you. Its marvelous resources are just now coming to be recognized.

Recent scientific research has revealed, beyond the world of the senses and beyond the domain of consciousness, a wide and hitherto hidden realm of human energies and resources.

96 pages - 5½ x 8½ softcover

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