Spiritual Uplifting
From the author of 'A Dangerous Book', Rodger Stevens, points mankind to many of the sources of modern problems in society, with answers and solutions for correcting the madness. Perhaps in these early years of the 21st Century we are seeing the beginnings of an imminent collapse of the engines of deception whose power and reach have never been greater than they are today.
Return of the Warriors introduces the Warrior's Path and the Toltec Path of Freedom. This is an action-based approach to life, in which individuals are taught to value their own experience more highly than information from others.
Perhaps it was largely for my own satisfaction; in any case I did again go through the roughly million and a quarter words that were the records of Betty's work while here. Passages directed at her personally, and no one else, I red-penciled. Next I cut them out and pasted them seriatim. They totaled nearly two hundred thousand words. For the first time I read them consecutively; and realized that, even with no further arrangement, I had a NARRATIVE.
Perhaps it is well for me to explain that the subject-matter of the papers published in this book has not been philosophically treated, nor has it been approached from the scholar's point of view. The writer has been brought up in a family where texts of the Upanishads are used in daily worship; and he has had before him the example of his father, who lived his long life in the closest communion with God, while not neglecting his duties to the world, or allowing his keen interest in all human affairs to suffer any abatement.
Incredible reprint from Inner Light of Rampa's best! STRANGE shadows rippled before my uncaring gaze, undulating across my vision like colorful phantoms from some remote, pleasant world. The sun-dappled water lay tranquil inches from my face.
MANY OF THE PEOPLE who have had occasion to read this, after the first publication, have all asked the same questions. "What philosophy are you advocating? Where did you get your information? What qualifies you to write such a book?"
This is an orderly universe. This earth has existed in perfect order for billions of years. It has never deviated from its rotation or orbit. It is consistently nourished by the sun and balanced, gravitationally, by the moon. This degree of precision dominates the entire universe, as stated in the Qur'an: "Are you unaware of how God created the (numerous) layers of the universe in absolute harmony?" What's more, regarding His controlling influence, "and We are (involved in and) fully aware of (all aspects of) Our creation."
Human beings act as God's representatives. This means they accept the role performing their duties to their creator, that is they willingly submit to him. In other words, human beings work exclusively for God. Ultimately, Islam is that condition where there exists a sense of peace with Him. It is also the means to find peace with fellow humans.
Exploring the world of plants and its relation to mankind as revealed by the latest discoveries of scientists, The Secret Life of Plants includes remarkable information about plants as lie detectors and plants as ecological sentinels; it describes their ability to adapt to human wishes, their response to music, their curative powers, and their ability to communicate with man.
Words are SPOKEN as rewards from those we love, or used as weapons to cause hurt. Words inspire us. They form an atomic link of spirit to the very Presence of God. They evoke the very presence of evil. They can bring either miracles or mayhem, love or lust, health or sickness, gratification or utter despair.
Words are SPOKEN as rewards from those we love, or used as weapons to cause hurt. Words inspire us. They form an atomic link of spirit to the very Presence of God. They evoke the very presence of evil. They can bring either miracles or mayhem, love or lust, health or sickness, gratification or utter despair.
Some years ago, in conversation with an artist whose works, perhaps, alone, in the present day, unite perfection of drawing with resplendence of color, the writer made some inquiry respecting the general means by which this latter quality was most easily to be attained. The reply was as concise as it was comprehensive-"Know what you have to do, and do it"
My first serious attempt to establish communication through planchette with a person or persons in a life beyond ours was made Sunday morning, March 3, 1918. Not so very serious an attempt, either, for I anticipated no success, and was not without a humorous appreciation of my position, sitting with my hand on a toy, inviting communication with celestial powers. I remember laughing a little, as I pictured the sardonic glee with which certain of my friends would be likely to regard such a proceeding.
There are seven Forces in Man and in all Nature. The real substance of the Concealed (Sun) is a nucleus of Mother-Substance. It is the Heart and Matrix of all the living and existing Forces in our Solar Universe. It is the Kernel from which proceed to spread on their cyclic journeys all the Powers that set in action the Atoms, in their fundamental duties, and the Focus within which they again meet in their Seventh Essence every eleventh year. He who tells thee he has seen the Sun, laugh at him, as if he had said that the Sun moves really onward in his diurnal path.
The truth is out there. But, can we ever bring it into our own lives? Can we bring it from "out there" to "in here," and know beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the truth is now within our minds, our hearts, and our souls? The answer is, "Yes!"