The Goddess By Women for Women


SAINT GERMAIN'S Mystical Quest for the Golden Age - Book 1 of a Trilogy
SAINT GERMAIN AND PORTIA'S Mystical Role as Directors for the Aquarian Age - Book 3 of a Trilogy
SAINT GERMAIN'S Mystical Quest for Freedom and Democracy - Book 2 of a Trilogy
Elysian Visits the Inner Earth
Gypsies at Secret Lake

By Women for Women


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How to Cook Husbands
Catalog #: SKU2895

A humorous method of teaching young girls the facts of life about husbands.

How To Terminate Stress With Meditation Strategies
Catalog #: SKU2595

This is an exciting book from noted author Maria D'Andrea Solomon that will help every reader to learn how to handle and eliminate stress from their daily lives. Secrets brought from the old world, and updated for the new.

James Hinton : A Sketch
Catalog #: SKU3066

Biography of one of the first writers of the 19th century that promoted the freedom of sex, and releasing people from a puritanical, restricted view of the purpose and meaning of sex.

Last Man. The
Catalog #: SKU1830

Another novel by the author of Frankenstein, Mary Shelley, a woman of many intrigues. TGS keeps this mysterious author in print, who indeed was a lady of many talents.

Life and Amours of Beautiful, Gay and Dashing Kate Percival
Catalog #: SKU2896

I am about to do a bold thing. I am about to give to the world the particulars of a life fraught with incident and adventure. I am about to lift the veil from the most voluptuous scenes.

Lost Letters from Lesbos
Catalog #: SKU2203

Love letters written by a woman infatuated with the appeal of Lesbos.

Lover's Calendar, The
Catalog #: SKU2143

A full year's calendar with a thought, poem, or inspiration for lovers for each day.

Man-Made World : Our Androcentric Culture
Catalog #: SKU1946

This is a book about men--as such. It differentiates between the human nature and the sex nature. It will not go so far as to allege man's masculine traits to be all that excuse, or explain his existence: but it will point out what are masculine traits as distinct from human ones, and what has been the effect on our human life of the unbridled dominance of one sex.

Marriage, As It Was, As It Is, As It Should Be
Catalog #: SKU4084

Restoring equality of woman in the marriage relationship and society through ancient law, Roman law, English law, from Annie Besant's Theosophical and Hindu background.

Catalog #: SKU1829

From the author of Frankenstein, Mary Shelley brings us a romantic type of novel, that was unpublished during her lifetime. It was not until 100 years after her death did this book appear in print.

Men, Women, and Gods
Catalog #: SKU3187

Nothing gives me more pleasure, nothing gives greater promise for the future, than the fact that woman is achieving intellectual and physical liberty. It is refreshing to know that here, in our country, there are thousands of women who think and express their own thoughts-who are thoroughly free and thoroughly conscientious-who have neither been narrowed nor corrupted by a heartless creed-who do not worship a being in heaven whom they would shudderingly loathe on earth. Large print 15 point font.

Menace of Prohibition
Catalog #: SKU3261

The remotest possibility of the success of such an unjust, un-American, illiberal and dangerous form of tyranny in government, should alarm the American people beyond and above every other question, even that of war; and should set them to the task of a close analysis of the subject and trend of Prohibition.

Mental Traits of Sex
Catalog #: SKU3096

THE object of the present monograph is to furnish some accurate information on the much-discussed question of the psychology of the sexes. The main part of it consists in the report of a series of experiments carried on in the psychological laboratory of the University of Chicago during the years 1898-99 and 1899-1900. To have an adequate setting, such a study should be prefaced by a review of the historical aspects of the problem, a critical summary of the large mass of argumentative literature on the subject, and a discussion of the facts of anatomy and physiology which are supposed to have a bearing on the psychology of sex. The mass of material to be dealt with is far too great, however, to be satisfactorily treated within the necessary limits of the present work. It has therefore been necessary to restrict this monograph to a report of the experimental work which forms the real contribution to the field, a review of previous experimental work bearing on the subject, and a brief discussion of the results.

Merry Order of St. Bridget
Catalog #: SKU3604

Perhaps the most intriguing mystery facing all mankind, is that of various human desires.

Moral Conversations and Stories
Catalog #: SKU3816

"I believe those who examine their own minds, will readily agree with me, that reason, with difficulty, conquers settled habits, even when it is arrived at some degree of maturity: why then do we suffer children to be bound with fetters, which their half-formed faculties cannot break."

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