Illustrated manual for health care and emergency treatment in survival situations.
The most popular survival manual ever published. Used for decades by the United States Army. Packed with survival techniques not usually considered by the average family.
UFOs have been appearing in the heavens since the beginning of recorded history. Thousands of sightings have been made. Hundreds of credible witnesses have experienced close encounters of the first, second and third kind. Yet, forgotten amongst the many dozens of always fascinating accounts are the sightings made at sea. USOs have following our ocean faring vessels, and have been known to light up the sea at night as they head for their "home away from home."
"UFO Mysteries is one of the best works on the subject of UFOs since Jacques Vallee's seminal 1965 Anatomy of a Phenomenon. Sutherly has blended skillful writing with the determination of a true investigator to produce an objective and introspective look at one of the greatest enigmas humankind has so far faced."
"Close the doors! They're coming in the windows!"
That was a popular expression about thirty years ago, taken from the lyrics of a hit song now long forgotten. "Close the windows! They're coming in the doors!" The songwriter had probably never heard of the mysterious Men In Black (MIBs) but he might have been writing about them.
The Third Reich went underground (literally) after the war and may be attempting to jumpstart a Fourth Reich any day now with their crazy flying machines that could still be functioning and airborne in our present time.
The world has revolved around the sun many, many times since Wilkins joined up with the crew of that great mothership in the sky. We offer this work to those who may not have had the opportunity to read his offerings, and who wish to evoke his spirit now, and to those who wish to recall his writing in the fondest of ways. God only knows that the Universe will never be the same!
When Edwin Sidney Hartland published his book, The Science of Fairy Tales, in 1891, little did he realize the impact his research into the myths and folklore of the supernatural world of the little folk would have for many generations afterwards.
At this very moment high level sources in the government are attempting at all costs to keep under careful wraps the biggest military cover-up in United States history. It is a conspiracy that involves a project so hush-hush that only the President and a handful of his most trusted advisors-members of the Defense Department, the CIA and the National Security Council-are even aware of the very existence of this classified above Top Secret matter that could well alter the course of our very lives.
One-third of your life is spent in the dream world where your subconscious is delivering messages in symbolic language. While your body rests, your dreams are dealing with your fears, frustrations and hopes. Your dreams are sending you messages about your past, present and future that can help you in your waking hours. Learn what these dream messages say about love, success, numbers and money.
Joseph McMoneage is a "remote viewer" and former psychic spy for the U.S. Army. Presenting an incredible vision of our future through the year 2075, he covers world population, aging, crime, technology, environmental issues, and more, including a vision for the year 3000.
Most noble and illustrious drinkers, and you thrice precious pockified blades (for to you, and none else, do I dedicate my writings), Alcibiades, in that dialogue of Plato's, which is entitled The Banquet, whilst he was setting forth the praises of his schoolmaster Socrates (without all question the prince of philosophers), amongst other discourses to that purpose, said that he resembled the Silenes.
Most noble and illustrious drinkers, and you thrice precious pockified blades (for to you, and none else, do I dedicate my writings), Alcibiades, in that dialogue of Plato's, which is entitled The Banquet, whilst he was setting forth the praises of his schoolmaster Socrates (without all question the prince of philosophers), amongst other discourses to that purpose, said that he resembled the Silenes.
Most noble and illustrious drinkers, and you thrice precious pockified blades (for to you, and none else, do I dedicate my writings), Alcibiades, in that dialogue of Plato's, which is entitled The Banquet, whilst he was setting forth the praises of his schoolmaster Socrates (without all question the prince of philosophers), amongst other discourses to that purpose, said that he resembled the Silenes.
Are there extra-terrestrial beings living among us on Earth? Events surrounding two spectacular Spanish UFO sightings suggest that this case is a fact. The UMMO-case is a mystery with plenty of clues along the trail. Whatever the truth, this is in every way a refreshing change from the more usual alleged encounters with people from other worlds