A baby who was to become a Great Disciple of the soon-to-be Leader of Man. Yet again in another city where East meets West, and both are soiled thereby, a two-year-old baby boy solemnly fingered the yellowed leaves of an ancient book.
We are now entering the Aquarian Age, an Age wherein much will happen to Man
and Man's spirituality will increase -it is about time that it did, by the way. Man's psychic
ability also will increase. Many people now living on the Earth will not be reborn to the
Earth but will go on to different stages of evolution. Many of those who have not learned
in this life or in this cycle of existence will be sent back like naughty schoolboys to start
again in the next cycle.
If a boy is left behind by his class at school he is often dissatisfied and disgruntled
that he is left behind, and he tends play his part and to show that he knows more, is
better, bigger, and all that sort of thing, and the newcomers to the class almost always
dislike the boy who is left over from the previous class. It is the same in the classroom of
life, a person who has been rejected as not sufficiently evolved to go on to the next stage
of existence has to come back and do that cycle all over again. His subconscious memory
contained in the nine-tenths of the subconscious resents it, and he tends to get ahead in
one particular way.
Many people after leaving this Earth will go on to a different form of existence, ever
higher, for Man always must climb higher and higher, as indeed must all creatures, and
the spirit of Man being gregarious by nature, delights to be in company with loved ones.
Thus it is that an Overself will make really determined efforts and will use many puppets
in order that it may keep up with its fellows.
Let us accept, then, that a parallel world is a world in a different dimension, a world
which is much like Earth, but yet is in a different dimension. If you find that difficult to
comprehend, supposing you could go to the other side of the world instantly, in the twinkling
of an eye. Now decide for your-self-are you living in the past? That is, have you
gone back to yesterday, or have you traveled to the future? According to your calendar
you will find that when you cross various datelines you travel either backwards or forwards
as much as a complete day. So it is theoretically possible to move a day into the
future according to your basic time, or to a day in the past.
Having agreed that that is so, you should be able to agree that there are various dimensions
which cannot be easily explained, which nevertheless do exist, as do parallel
worlds. It is always amazing that people can readily believe that the heart can pump ten
tons of blood in an hour, or that there are 60,000 miles of capillary tubing in the body,
and yet a simple thing like parallel worlds causes them to raise their eyebrows in disbe-
lief and thereby make an astonishing amount of muscles go to work.
140+ pages - 8 x 10¾, softcover