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Nagualism; A Study in Native American Folk-lore and History
Catalog #: SKU3291

The words, a nagual, nagualism, a nagualist, have been current in English prose for more than seventy years; they are found during that time in a variety of books published in England and the United States, yet are not to be discovered in any dictionary of the English language; nor has Nagualism a place in any of the numerous encyclop

Naked Truth of Jesusism
Catalog #: SKU3114

A study into the oriental history of Jesus.

Nameless War
Catalog #: SKU0231

THOUGH a state of war was declared to exist between Britain and Germany in September of 1939, it very soon became apparent that no war was being conducted by Germany against this country. This was no surprise to those who knew the facts of the case.

Narratives of the Witchcraft Cases
Catalog #: SKU3956

The stories, the false accusations, the trials, and the executions of American witch trials.

National Independence
Catalog #: SKU4044

The Fatalism of Laissez Faire, its doom of successful employment.

Nationalisation of Health
Catalog #: SKU3113

Havelock Ellis was one of the first outspoken proponents for the nationalization of the health care systen, without which, there could be no control of epidemics at a national scale. Time has proven him right, time and time again.

Native Religions of Mexico and Peru
Catalog #: SKU3317

Our age is not, as is sometimes said, an age of positive science and of industrial discoveries alone, but also, and in a very high degree, an age of criticism and of history. It is to history, indeed, more than to anything else, that it looks for the lights which are to guide it in resolving the grave difficulties presented by the problems of the hour, in politics, in organization, and in social and religious life.

Natural and Supernatural Things
Catalog #: SKU3318

Because I have at this present undertaken to write of the of the first Tincture, the Root of Metals and Minerals, and to inform you of the Spiritual Essence, how the Metals and Minerals are at first spiritually conceived and born corporally; it will be necessary first of all to utter, and to acquaint you by a speech, that all things consist of two parts, that is, Natural and Supernatural; what is visible, tangible, and hath form or shape, that is natural; but what is intactible, without form, and spiritual, that is supernatural, and must be apprehended and conceived by Faith; such is the Creation, and especially the Eternity of God without end, immensible and incomprehensible; for Nature cannot conceive nor apprehend it by its humane reason:

Natural Cure of Consumption, Constipation, Bright's Disease, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, "Colds"
Catalog #: SKU3607

Although it is evident to my mind that the world is growing more healthy and more moral with every generation-speaking of civilized nations-it is still, as all agree, in a most pitiful state as regards both moral and physical health.

Natural Cures for Headaches
Catalog #: SKU0912

Headaches can be cured naturally: Dr. Cass Ingram proves the headache connection of toxic foods, food additives, and chemicals. Also, learn the hormonal connection to migraines and how to reverse them. Discover the role of structural imbalances, heavy metals, dental fillings, nutritional deficiencies, chronic infections, drug toxicity, and much more and how to naturally correct them. Learn the food allergy connection and how to stop it. The cause of headaches can be found and reversed

Natural Cures For High Blood Pressure
Catalog #: SKU1190

Toxins must be cleansed from the body as well as invasive germs. Blood-letting is a simple technique to achieve this. Blood holds the toxins. By simply removing a quantity of blood the levels of toxins are significantly reduced.

Natural Economic Order
Catalog #: SKU0770

Gesell's celebrated work on monetary and social reform is a modern attempt to provide a solid basis for economic liberalism, the creed of Adam Smith and almost all the great nineteenth century economists in contrast to the twentieth century trend of collectivism and planned economy - accompanied by 'austerity', 'import restriction', 'dollar shortage', 'pegging the exchanges' and 'credit squeeze'.

List price: $21.95 save 9%
Natural Genesis
Catalog #: SKU3866

In Africa the natives still dig round about the modern gum-trees to find the buried treasure that oozed from other trees which stood on the same spot in the forests of the far-off past. The Natural Genesis contains the second half of A Book of the Beginnings, and completes the author's contribution to the new order of thought that has been inaugurated in our own era.

Natural Healing : Self Empowerment
Catalog #: SKU0864

When animals, humans included, live in nature, eating complete raw foods, they suffer no diseases-but modern

Natural History of Chocolate
Catalog #: SKU3286

This small Treatise is nothing but the Substance and Result of the Observations that I made in the American Islands, during the fifteen Years which I was obliged to stay there, upon the account of his Majesty's Service. The great Trade they drive there in Chocolate, excited my Curiosity to examine more strictly than ordinary into its Origin, Culture, Properties, and Uses. I was not a little surprized when I every day discover'd, as to the Nature of the Plant, and the Customs of the Country, a great Number of Facts contrary to the Ideas, and Prejudices, for which the Writers on this Subject have given room.
