Catalog # SKU2021
Publisher InnerLight/Global
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name Mattern Friedrich (Zundel)



Mattern Friedrich

The Third Reich went underground (literally) after the war and may be attempting to jumpstart a Fourth Reich any day now with their crazy flying machines that could still be functioning and airborne in our present time.


I think just about everyone would have to agree that Christof Fredrich Zundel is not a well-liked person. Certainly not among the Jewish Defense League or the Coordination Forum for Countering Anti-Semitism. They consider him a hate monger, a Holocaust denier and a leading purveyor of anti-Jewish propaganda on and off the internet.

Born April 24, 1939, in Wildbad, Germany, Zundel used a variety of names as he tried to climb the ladder to publishing success. Based in Canada during the 1970's, the now-balding Zundel became perhaps the largest distributor of Nazi and neo-Nazi propaganda and memorabilia in North America, if not the world. In order to attract a following, or so it is claimed, Zundel would run sensationalistic ads about Hitler still being alive at the South Pole in many UFO-orientated publications, such as Saga's UFO Report and Official UFO. He kept his more radical publications, like The Hitler We Loved, for subscribers to the kind of "hardcore" literature he provided through the publishing entity known as Samisdat Publications.

According to information supplied by the Jewish Defense League, "In the late 1970s and early 1980s, the catalog of Samisdat Publications grew from a few texts about Holocaust denial to a vast offering of Nazi and neo-Nazi memorabilia. It included some 50 posters featuring Nazi Secret Weapons ('military artists depictions of actual German Secret Weapons are taken directly from the original blueprints, enlivened by showing them in combat action situations') including one-man jet packs, 'serial mines' and flying saucers. It also contained an audiotape section of 'Historical Speeches, Marches and Battle Songs', featuring 'Music of the Third Reich.'"

Naturally, for purposes of this publication, we are understandably more interested in Zundel's "UFO beliefs" than his political "ideals." While it is true that the theory that at least some UFOs were made on earth by Nazi engineers was bandied about in Europe and South America for many years, the idea that flying saucers were manned by German-speaking crewmembers never quite caught on here in America. Many considered it just too "oddball" to be acceptable, and besides that, the interplanetary theory for the origin of flying saucers had been pushed heavily in the States by such well known individuals as former Marine Major Donald E. Keyhoe. Additionally, Frank Scully, a reporter for the entertainment daily "Variety," had written about crashed space ships and dead, diminutive aliens in his bestseller Behind The Flying Saucers.

There were a few cases in the news that might point in the direction Zundel was leading, but most UFOlogists decided to sweep such episodes under the cosmic rug. A Kearney, Nebraska, grain salesman named Reinhold Schmidt had a chance encounter with a flying saucer and during his meeting with the human-appearing pilot he did notice a heavy German accent when the "alien" tried to communicate. Years later, Barney Hill looked up into the sky at a strange craft hovering over the White Mountains in New Hampshire and later under hypnosis described how the aliens standing behind the portholes of the ship appeared to be similar to Nazi soldiers (not an exact quote).

More recently, Jim Marrs and several others have begun to propound the tie-in between the New World Order, the German saucers establishment and some of the bizarre looking unidentifiable objects that pass by overhead. Luckily, they are not following in the footsteps of earlier proponents of this theory, who apparently had a "secret agenda" that operated with a hate-filled heart.

Basically, it seems that Zundel had run amok with his neo-Nazi ideals and in Canada, where "freedom of speech" is not appreciated as much as it is south of the border, Christof started to attract unwelcome attention from the authorities. According to a JDL dispatch, "Canadian officials launched several criminal investigations against him, and in November 1981, postal authorities suspended Samisdat's mailing privileges, the government arguing that Zundel's anti-Jewish campaign violated criminal prohibitions against using the mails to incite hate." Though suspended in Canada, Zundel had no problem in opening a mail drop in Niagara Falls, New York.

But, as the saying goes, things went from bad to worse and Zundel was next charged under Section 177 of the Criminal Code of Canada for "knowingly publishing false news." Now, taking a contrary view, if this law were enforceable in the U.S., there would be no evening news, and even the New York Times might be out of business. To put all this in prospective, the charges had nothing to do with Zundel's stated belief that the Nazis were still around piloting their disc-shaped craft. It had more to do with the distribution of a thirty-page pamphlet entitled "Did Six Million Really Die?" which unfortunately for Zundel went to a mailing list of politicians and officials who probably felt threatened that their belief in German-designed UFOs and all around hatred of the citizenry might be exposed to the light of day.

185+ pages - 8¼ x 10¾, softcover

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