This study on the Constitution was prepared by Soliciter General of the United States, James Beck. It was dedicated to Harry Daughtery, Attorney General of the United States, under President Warren Harding. A few years after the publication of this book, Daughtery was indicted for Fraud against the United States. He was only one of the corrupt mafia running the Harding administration. The book gives insight in the formation of the Constitution not normally covered in history books.
The entire text of the Constitution has been added in the book for your convenience.
One of the most sacred rights guaranteed under the law is that of not being compelled to give evidence against ourselves or to testify to anything which might degrade or incriminate us. Now, this is all very fine for the chap who has his lawyer at his elbow or has had some similar previous experience. He may wisely shut up like a clam and set at defiance the tortures of the third degree. But how about the poor fellow arrested on suspicion of having committed a murder, who has never heard of the legal provision in question, or, if he has, is cajoled or threatened into "answering one or two questions"?
This book comes from the reflections and experience of more than forty years spent in court. Aside from the practice of my profession, the topics I have treated are such as have always held my interest and inspired a taste for books that discuss the human machine with its manifestations and the causes of its varied activity. I have endeavored to present the latest scientific thought and investigation bearing upon the question of human conduct.
Telling the truth about Ireland is not very pleasant to a patriotic Englishman; but it is very patriotic. It is the truth and nothing but the truth which I have but touched on in the last chapter. Several times, and especially at the beginning of this war, we narrowly escaped ruin because we neglected that truth, and would insist on treating our crimes of the '98 and after as very distant; while in Irish feeling, and in fact, they are very near. Repentance of this remote sort is not at all appropriate to the case, and will not do. It may be a good thing to forget and forgive; but it is altogether too easy a trick to forget and be forgiven.
Four great writings by one of the most prolific writers, thinkers, and reasoners of our times.
A TGS Reprint in a LARGE PRINT EDITION! In large 16 point Roman font, Ambrose Bierce's Devil's Dictionary will continue to be one of the most talked about dictionaries for all time. It's tongue-in-cheek, dry-witted, sarcasm is uplifting to the soul and spirit in a manner that makes anyone who reads this book THINK! His humor, written in the early 1900's, is still applicable to the social conscience of this world, particularly America.
The profane language, the slang, used in the streets in 1811. The commoner's English language of the past was rich in culture and 'flowery' hidden meaning. Look back at the language our forefathers employed.
Major examples of what was set forth in "A DWELLER ON TWO PLANETS" in 1886, together with many more predictions of the immediate oncoming of what the Author terms rediscovery of the secrets buried with Atlantis; and it is promised that we, as Atlanteans returning, are going beyond her fallen greatness, and that by slow, synthetic steps, we are coming up to surpass even those wonderful attainments, as the ever expanding and growing mind and soul of man climbs ever higher in the rounds of his evolution.
To all earnest, though perhaps skeptical inquirers, I may say that the evidence as to this book being finished in 1886, and before the latter-day discoveries became known, abundantly exists and can be clearly established
This dual-book is a TGS Historical Reprint, first published in 1895. Petrie originally published this work as two books, series one and two. We have combined the two editions into one volume. In place of regarding Egyptians only as the builders of pyramids and the makers of mummies, we here see the men and women as they lived, their passions, their foibles, their beliefs, and their follies. The old refugee Sanehat craving to be buried with his ancestors in the blessed land, the enterprise and success of the Doomed Prince, the sweetness of Bata, the misfortunes of Ahura, these all live before us, and we can for a brief half hour share the feelings and see with the eyes of those who ruled the world when it was young. This is the real value of these tales, and the power which still belongs to the oldest literature in the world.
he incredible tale of a forced journey into subterraneum chambers and an adventure to the center of the earth. The forced adventure is conjectured to be that of Captain William Morgan whom the Freemasons were accused of murdering. This tale, if true, not only exonerates the Freemasons of conspiracy and murder, but makes the cover up that of Captain Morgan's life, rather than his demise.
A look back at nearly a century ago during WW1 and how households had to conserve and prepare foods. With the current escalating wars, terrorism, and castrophic hurricanes, tsunamis, floods, earthquakes, volcanoes, global warming, and more, the prudent house would do well to research and keep available information such as this, even if not to feed the soldiers.
Few Americans today recognize the names of men like Congressman Charles Augustus Lindbergh, Sr., father of the famed aviator, who fought against the passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 and conducted one of the first investigations of 'the Banking and Money Trust in Congress; and of congressman Louis Thomas McFadden. These men spent their lives in heroic combat, as grim and as hopeless as the winter at Valley Forge, but they never admitted the possibility of defeat. And they never lost the courage to go on. But America lost, because America did not support them in their struggle, and America is the loser today.
When one thinks of the marvellously nourishing and stimulating virtue of cocoa, and of the exquisite and irresistible dainties prepared from it, one cannot wonder that the great Linn
Yoga is divided into several branches, ranging from that which teaches the control of the body, to that which teaches the attainment of the highest spiritual development. In the work we will not go into the higher phases of the subject, except when the "Science of Breath" touches upon the same. The "Science of Breath" touches Yoga at many points, and although chiefly concerned with the development and control of the physical, has also its psychic side, and even enters the field of spiritual development.
There is possibly no greater master of the history and frauds used in money systems from antiquity to the present day than Alexander Del Mar. TGS continues to seek out all books of this rare author and talent from the late 1800s and early 1900s. Del Mar was the head of the Bureau of Mining for the United States in the 1800s. His specialty was researching the history of money, coins, and fiat systems.