Dumas's 'Celebrated Crimes' was not written for children. The novelist has spared no language-has minced no words-to describe the violent scenes of a violent time.
A famous German crime is that of Karl-Ludwig Sand, whose murder of Kotzebue, Councillor of the Russian Legation, caused an international upheaval which was not to subside for many years. An especially interesting story is the famous "Man in the Iron Mask." This unsolved puzzle of history was later incorporated by Dumas in one of the D'Artagnan Romances a section of the Vicomte de Bragelonne, to which it gave its name. But in this later form, the true story of this singular man doomed to wear an iron vizor over his features during his entire lifetime could only be treated episodically.
My Life and Work, is Henry Ford's autobiography and his philosophy in business. "There is plenty of work to do. Business is merely work. Speculation in things already produced--that is not business. It is just more or less respectable graft. But it cannot be legislated out of existence. Laws can do very little."
The title of this reprint is not 'politically correct' in today's world, but the value of its message is as viable today was the era in which it was authored. Generations of young students are NOT being taught the crimes committed against a race of people, through no historical wrong-doing of their own, by another race of people under the approval, the wink and the nod, of the government of the USA. This book was authored by equal rights and civil rights leaders of our past. These books are a must to keep in print so our next generations can learn where their forefathers have been, and what not to allow to return.
During the last ten years so many works have accumulated in the domain of Physics, and so many new theories have been propounded, that those who follow with interest the progress of science, and even some professed scholars, absorbed as they are in their own special studies, find themselves at sea in a confusion more apparent than real.
Many more philosophic minds than mine have thought over the religious side of this subject and many more scientific brains have turned their attention to its phenomenal aspect. So far as I know, however, there has been no former attempt to show the exact relation of the one to the other. I feel that if I should succeed in making this a little more clear I shall have helped in what I regard as far the most important question with which the human race is concerned.
AMONG the speculative questions which arise in connection with the study of arithmetic from a historical standpoint, the origin of number is one that has provoked much lively discussion, and has led to a great amount of learned research among the primitive and savage languages of the human race. A few simple considerations will, however, show that such research must necessarily leave this question entirely unsettled, and will indicate clearly that it is, from the very nature of things, a question to which no definite and final answer can be given.
It remains to be seen-not how far, but rather how soon the scientific world at large will accept the conclusions of this volume as a definite contribution to science, blending the science of the laboratory with that variety that has hitherto been called occult.
Seneca, the favourite classic of the early fathers of the church and of the Middle Ages, whom Jerome, Tertullian, and Augustine speak of as "Seneca noster," who was believed to have corresponded with St. Paul, and upon whom Calvin wrote a commentary, seems almost forgotten in modern times.
Oracle of the Illuminati unravels vital knowledge including new and important discoveries about the creation of crop circles and the language of light.
TGS reprints brings two Alchemy books in one volume. There is no question of the claims which are put forward in this book being taken on trust. On the contrary they are open to the fullest examination. The proofs are there and they can safely be left to speak for themselves, in the light of the outcome of any investigations to which they may be subjected.
The laws which govern the institution of Freemasonry are of two kinds, unwritten and written, and may in a manner be compared with the "lex non scripta," or common law, and the "lex seripta," or statute law of English and American jurists.
This TGS Historical Reprint is one that will spark questions in the minds of even learned lawyers, as this 'white' man was accused of either 'stealing slaves' or 'assisting' in their escape, in the 1850s. When does conscience over-rule man-made law? How can one be accused of stealing slaves if at the same time he assisted in their escape? Certainly this is a personal tale from history, that needs never be forgotten.
This TGS Historical Reprint is brought back as the President of the USA, his Administration, and his Party, are riddled, nay--- infested with severe ethical and moral dilemmas. Report after report comes at us daily about a lack of ethics, honor, and integrity among elected, appointed, and hired government officials. The Foxes are in the hen house. This research, from 1914 is a Christian and Secular perspective on just what ethics really are.
We've heard about them... our rights... But just what are they and is the goverment voiding them? This is in depth analysis of OUR RIGHTS. You may have many more you've not thought of. State's Rights ARE our rights too!
This TGS Reprint of one of the most studied books over the centuries on Alchemy. This treatise describes the entire process of preparing the philosopher's stone. There are three seperate operations described here: the preperation of the 'secret fire' (the catalyst or solvent which is used throughout the whole work, without which nothing can be achieved, but which is seldom if ever mentioned in any alchemical treatise), the preperation of 'mercury' (a metallic vapor made from antimony and iron, said to resemble vulgar mercury (Hg) in appearance, necessary in the preparation of the stone)and the preperation of the stone itself.