Historical Reprints Everyday Foods in Wartime

Everyday Foods in Wartime

Everyday Foods in Wartime
Catalog # SKU1085
Publisher TGS Publishing
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name Mary Swartz Rose


Everyday Foods in Wartime

Mary Swartz Rose

A look back at nearly a century ago during WW1 and how households had to conserve and prepare foods. With the current escalating wars, terrorism, and castrophic hurricanes, tsunamis, floods, earthquakes, volcanoes, global warming, and more, the prudent house would do well to research and keep available information such as this, even if 'not to feed the soldiers.'

"To be patriotic and still live on one's income is a complex problem. This little book was started in response to a request for "a war message about food." It seemed to the author that a simple explanation of the part which some of our common foods play in our diet might be both helpful and reassuring. "


Diet is like a house, a definite thing, though built of different kinds of material. For a house we need wall material, floor material, window, ceiling, chimney stuffs and so forth. We may, if we like, make floors, walls, and ceilings all of the same kind of stuff, wood for example, but we should need glass for windows and bricks or tile for chimneys. Or, again, we may choose brick for walls, floors, and chimneys but it would not do any better than wood for windows, would be rather unsatisfactory for ceilings, and impossible for doors. In other words, we could not build a modern house from one kind of material only and we really need at least four to carry out even a simple plan.

In a similar fashion, diet is constructed from fuel material, body-building material and body-regulating material. No diet is perfect in which these are not all represented. Now, foods are like sections of houses. Some correspond to single parts, as a floor or a window or perhaps a chimney; others to a house complete except for windows and roof; still others to a house lacking only a door or two. It takes some thought to put them together so that we shall have all kinds of parts without a great many extra ones of certain kinds and not enough of others.

Milk is unique in that it comes nearest of all foods to being a complete diet in itself. It is like the house with only a door missing. We could be quite comfortable in such a house for a long time though we could make a more complete diet by adding some graham bread or an apple or some spinach.

We all associate milk with cows and cows with farms, but how closely is milk associated with the farm table? Is it prized as the most valuable food which the farm produces? Every drop should be used as food; and this applies to skim milk, sour milk, and buttermilk as well as sweet milk. Do we all use milk to the best advantage in the diet? Here are a few points which it is well to bear in mind...

Includes over 65 wartime recipes...
and 25 note pages to add your own emergency, conserving, survival recipes

Softcover, 5 x 8, 170+ pages


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