TGS Authors Clayton M. Drinkard Alternative to Fascism, An

Alternative to Fascism, An

Alternative to Fascism, An
Catalog # SKU4124
Publisher TGS Publishing
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name Clayton M. Drinkard
ISBN 10: 1610339908
ISBN 13: 9781610339902


An Alternative
to Fascism

Solutions for a Broken System

Clayton M. Drinkard

This is a revolutionary work. As such, many statements may anger some readers. However, I will stick to the facts, and never make any misleading statements, nor will I make generalizations based on anything I know to be lies.

15 point font

This book presents an overview of what is wrong with the current global system, as well as information on what we can do to change it from the ground up. As this is a monumental undertaking requiring investigation of several related areas of information, it has been necessary to keep the discussion on each topic brief. This facilitates understanding of the overall message, but leaves out much important information. Many of these topics may be familiar to you, but many may be complete unknowns.

Therefore, the first time you read this book, you should set aside a few hours so you can read the entire book in one sitting. The second time you read it, you should stop and do some research on the sections you are most interested in, as well as those that you have the most questions about.



Throughout history, the great masses of mankind have felt a general sense of unease towards the way the world is run. For some, this unease manifests in the form of anger and aggression, for others, despondence and depression. However, it seems that the general cause is in all cases the same. Injustice.

Human beings are born into a world with manifest rules to which they are exposed and indoctrinated into from the earliest age. These rules, which everybody except for the rare exceptions play by, are in direct opposition to our true natures as social primates. Social primates form tribal units and cooperate within their group, and this form of tribalism is the most commonly seen cultural variation among indigenous cultures worldwide. However, from the inception of the use of money, native tribal cultures have been under constant attack by a ruthless system of subjugation.

This system, which has evolved over time into the current globalist culture, is based on the philosophy behind the recently-created phrase, "Cash is king." Money as a method of exchange has reduced human existence to a game of numbers, where everything has a dollar value attached to it, and the quality of life you enjoy is based on how many numbers you can accumulate. Instead of cooperation, we are subdued into a game of kill or be killed, take no prisoners, winner take all capitalism. If a person accumulates cats, they are crazy. If a person accumulates a whole bunch of boxes sitting around in their house, they are crazy. If a person gets a whole bunch of money and stores it up, they are... successful?

Frederic Bastiat, in his 1850 work The Law, exposes a major problem succinctly: those in power have taken it upon themselves to consolidate control of the money supply into the hands of the super-rich, and these super-rich have lobbied for more control. In effect, those with the most money create the rules of the game, and virtually never play fair.

He states, "...imagine that this fatal principle has been introduced: Under the pretense of organization, regulation, protection, or encouragement, the law takes property from one person and gives it to another; the law takes the wealth of all and gives it to a few - whether farmers, manufacturers, shipowners, artists, or comedians. Under these circumstances, then certainly every class will aspire to grasp the law, and logically so."

He calls this idea legal plunder. He continues:

"...How is this legal plunder to be identified? Quite simply. See if the law takes from some persons what belongs to them, and gives it to other persons to whom it does not belong. See if the law benefits one citizen at the expense of another by doing what the citizen himself cannot do without committing a crime."

The vast majority of us are born with nothing and are immediately introduced to this system. Childhood games all emphasize competition with winners and losers, and children's stories usually contain some sort of bogeyman who is out to get little kids that don't follow the rules. Our inner natures rebel against the money and power game, but eventually the vast majority are browbeaten into the idea that that's just the way the world is. One native tribe even coined a phrase to describe "white man's" ways: tecac teca'.

"That's just the way of the world" is a decent translation. Native leaders and shamans clearly saw how the monetary system advances over everything, promising riches and power and always ending in enslavement. Tribal cooperation was tossed aside in favor of gaining individual wealth, and as the system expanded, local subsistence economies were destroyed. Everything had a cash value, and there is no subsistence level of money. Cash is king, because once you serve that system, you serve it forever. You have been bought and are now owned by that system, and there is no way to win the money game. Cash is king, and he's one hell of a tyrant. At least the slaves were housed and fed; with economic slavery, the slaves must feed and house themselves.

There are many who say that there is no nation, no people on earth who have ever lived as well as the people of North America and western Europe do today. In a material sense this is true, but all this wealth is bought on the backs of the third world, and even considering the ease and comfort with which we live, there are many within this society who, in middle age, as death draws closer, realize that they have lived for the wrong things for too long. They think back to all the relationships sacrificed for money. Personal values thrown by the wayside. Children they will never really know. The mid-life crisis has become a major symptom of our global economy.

Perhaps the reason these millions of disaffected people have never done anything about the major problems is because they feel alone and powerless in a world gone mad. Perhaps it is because the problems themselves have never been clearly stated and identified. Perhaps it is because there are no easy answers. Regardless of the reason, there is definitely a sense that there is no way to fix what is wrong.

It is true that there are no easy answers. It is true that the world has gone mad. However, what if the problems have been identified? What if we can fix this crazy world? And what if, just maybe, you are not as alone and powerless as you think?

220+pages - 7 x 8½ softcover

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