As Above So Below
Universal Creator
The Secret Doctrine set the religious world on fire when it was first introduced, a heaven-sent answer for many whose spiritual questions were not addressed by Christianity. While some people may discount some of the theology, throwing the baby out with the bathwater is just wrong. Blavatsky searched the world over hunting for the true religion, the true spirituality, -- the truth.
Just what does this mysterious organization believe or practice? From a Rosicrucian insider the myths get verified and myths get debunked.
Swedenborg, a mystic Christian, views the religion of Christ with a more encompassing view of life and nature than fundamentalist illiteracy. His studies and views still confound scholars and theologians.
Having set myself to write a personal record of psychic experiences, I must "begin at the beginning," as the children say.
A practical guide to those who aspire to Clairvoyant-Absolute
How Consciousness Creates the Material World - In this stimulating and timely book, Amit Goswami, Ph.D., shatters the widely popular belief held by Western science that matter is the primary "stuff" of creation, and proposes instead that consciousness it the true foundation of all we know and perceive.
There are seven Forces in Man and in all Nature. The real substance of the Concealed (Sun) is a nucleus of Mother-Substance. It is the Heart and Matrix of all the living and existing Forces in our Solar Universe. It is the Kernel from which proceed to spread on their cyclic journeys all the Powers that set in action the Atoms, in their fundamental duties, and the Focus within which they again meet in their Seventh Essence every eleventh year. He who tells thee he has seen the Sun, laugh at him, as if he had said that the Sun moves really onward in his diurnal path.
The truth is out there. But, can we ever bring it into our own lives? Can we bring it from "out there" to "in here," and know beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the truth is now within our minds, our hearts, and our souls? The answer is, "Yes!"
What a new field for science! A missionary spirit inspired you and you were ready for any sacrifice for the triumph of the truth of spirit intercourse. The greatest mystery of this life is what comes after this life-- this author explores those realms.
Tomb and Image of the Queen of Sheba Discovered - The Queen of Sheba, King Solomon and King David are still household names in much of the world, so how is it possible that these influential monarchs cannot be found in the archaeological record? The reality of this omission has perplexed theologians and historians alike for centuries, but Ralph Ellis, the maverick author of Jesus, Last of the Pharaohs and Tempest & Exodus, has at last rediscovered the lost tombs and sarcophagi of these legendary monarchs.
The life, feelings, desires and dreams of your soul. How to heal your inner child, claim your loving adult, transform the inner critic rascal and love yourself free to be the real you. The energies of the sun and moon do impact life on earth-for good and for ill. Spiritually and physically, the rays of the sun are the solar energy of God.
A study in reincarnation. After one has accepted the idea of Reincarnation, that the soul returns again and again to earth, the question inevitably arises, "What is the end of it all?" Answers have been given by Eastern philosophers, as also by Plato, all of whom postulate Reincarnation as a necessary part of the soul's existence. Their answer is Liberation, or a final freedom from rebirths.
Forgotten Rainbows and Forgotten Melodies of Ancient Wisdom - The intention of this book is to reveal, among several other metaphysical codes, a key to wisdom previously comprehended by only a few initiated Masters, a secret hidden for centuries "in plain sight" (the safest place to hide the sacred) and unsuspected by the mundane intellect, long blinded to the simplicity of truth.
A study into life and death, darkness and light, ignorance and knowledge-- from Rosicrucian and Masonic legends by expert A.E. Waite.
There is a Psychic Ether, related to thought, as the luminiferous ether is to light. This may be regarded as the thought atmosphere of the universe. A thinking being in this atmosphere is a pulsating center of thought-waves, as a luminous body is of light.