The life, feelings, desires and dreams of your soul. How to heal your inner child, claim your loving adult, transform the inner critic rascal and love yourself free to be the real you.
The energies of the sun and moon do impact life on earth-for good and for ill. Spiritually and physically, the rays of the sun are the solar energy of God. The sun has an enormous impact on the "day side" of life-on people, animals, and forests and plants that live and flourish upon the earth. And we associate the luminous quality of the sun with the illumination of the mind; thus we speak of luminaries, people who shed light on some subject or enlighten mankind. Without the sun there would be no life as we know it. And as we have discussed, people's emotions can be powerfully influenced by the presence or absence of sunlight. At the same time, too much sun can cause heat stroke and create barren deserts. What mitigates these situations is water, which corresponds to the emotions. We know that the energies of the moon are the reflective light of the sin and that these energies exert enormous control over the tides and the water element. And in our being the water element is associated with the emotional body. Thus we are romantically quickened in the moonlight and in a negative vein, a full moon is often associated witchcraft or deviltry.
Page 242:
The energies of the sun and moon do impact life on earth-for good and for ill. Spiritually and physically, the rays of the sun are the solar energy of God. The sun has an enormous impact on the "day side" of life-on people, animals, forests and plants that live and flourish upon the earth. And we associate the luminous quality of the sun with the illumination of the mind; thus we speak of luminaries, people who shed light on some subject or enlighten mankind.
Without the sun there would be no life as we know it. And as we have discussed, people's emotions can be powerfully influenced by the presence or absence of sunlight. At the same time, too much sun can cause heat stroke and create barren deserts. What mitigates these situations is water, which corresponds to the emotions.
We know that the energies of the moon are the reflective light of the sun and that these energies exert enormous control over the tides and the water element. And in our own being the water element is associated with the emotional body. Thus we are romantically quickened in the moonlight, and in a negative vein, a full moon is often associated with witchcraft or deviltry.
The moon also reflects the astral plane, a frequency of time and space beyond the physical. The astral plane corresponds with the emotional body as well as the collective unconscious - the part of the unconscious mind that is the repository of archetypal patters common to all mankind regardless of cultural differences. Because the astral plane has been muddied by impure thought and feeling, the term astral is often used in a negative context to refer to that which is impure.
Remember the old folk saying "Put the moon under your feet:? This means to take control of your emotional, or astral, substance. It's challenging because the water element is powerful, yet we can do it if we catch a reaction early on.
End Excerpt
Softbound, 6 x 8.5", 342 pages