Ancient Mysteries Egypt Solomon: Falcon of Sheba

Solomon: Falcon of Sheba

Solomon: Falcon of Sheba
Catalog # SKU0644
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Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name Ralph Ellis


Solomon: Falcon of Sheba
The Tomb and Image of the Queen of Sheba Discovered

by Ralph Ellis

The Queen of Sheba, King Solomon and King David are still household names in much of the world, so how is it possible that these influential monarchs cannot be found in the archaeological record? The reality of this omission has perplexed theologians and historians alike for centuries, but Ralph Ellis, the maverick author of Jesus, Last of the Pharaohs and Tempest & Exodus, has at last rediscovered the lost tombs and sarcophagi of these legendary monarchs.

Join Ralph on a tour of Biblical history that at last contains real events, real lives and real people. See the archaeological evidence of the city that King David founded, the temple that King Solomon built, the nation that the Queen of Sheba governed, and the legendary mines that underpinned their extraordinary wealth. But beware! The new historical identities of these monarchs, which have been uncovered by this research, also alter our understanding of numerous Biblical and secular events; in short, history was not as we know it.

  • A Sequel to Jesus, Last of the Pharaohs -and- Tempest & Exodus

  • The tombs of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba discovered.

  • The sarcophagi of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba discovered.

  • The Temple of Solomon discovered - in Egypt.

  • The Judaic United Monarchy's capital city - in Egypt.


Page 73

The first question that readers will probably ask is, if Psusennes II is to be compared in any way with King David, how on Earth did the scribes manage to confuse a complicated Egyptian name like Pa-seba-kha-en-nuit (Psusennes II), with the Judaic name, David? The simple answer to this, is that the name David is simply a greatly shortened nickname. But I can confidently predict that the scribes would have wanted to preserve the true identity of who they were writing about, and so this nickname must pertain in some manner to the pharaoh's real name.

The nickname of 'David' was actually based upon the 'star' glyph, which is, as we have already seen, pronounced seba - the same seba that has already been shown to have been used in the name for the Queen of Sheba. However, seba is not the only word in Egyptian that can be used to describe a star, and the one that the scribes were thinking about when they made the Judaic translation of this name was actually djuat. The word djuat (djuait) not only means 'star'; more specifically, it refers to the 'Morning Star', which is often taken to be a reference to the planet Venus. However, this link between djuat and Venus may be misleading: although Venus tends to be a morning 'star', because it lies inside the orbit of the Earth, there were many stars that were observed in the direction of the morning horizon of Egypt. One of the main functions of the astronomical observations of the Heliopolian priests was to track the Earth's rate of precession on its axis. To do this required observing which star and which constellation rose with the Sun at the Vernal Equinox, and thus the term 'Morning Star' could have referred to any of these stars. In fact, the term djuat could just have referred to these observations themselves.

The term djuat can also have connotations of the 'land of the dead' and a 'pillar of the sky'. This latter meaning is yet another oblique reference to one of the four 'mountains' or 'pillars' that kept the heavens aloft: in other words the djuat can be thought of as a pyramid either at Giza or at Dahshur, as has been explained previously. So, like the similar word seba, the term djuat also has pyramidal connotations and no doubt the 'land of the dead' referred to the necropolis that surrounded the Giza pyramids.

End Excerpt.

Softbound, 6 x 9, 360 pages

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