Ancient Mysteries Egypt Tempest and Exodus

Tempest and Exodus

Tempest and Exodus
Catalog # SKU0645
Publisher Distributors
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name Ralph Ellis


Tempest & Exodus
A Sequel to Jesus, Last of the Pharaohs

by Ralph Ellis

Tempest & Exodus describes the dramatic discovery of large biblical quotation on an ancient Egyptian stele. When compared to the biblical equivalent the text appears to be two separate accounts, from both the Egyptian and the Israelite perspective, of a conference in Egypt discussing the way in which the biblical exodus should be organised.

The quotation thus has fundamental implications for both history and theology because it explains why the Tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant were constructed, why the biblical exodus started, where Mt. Sinai was located, who the god of the Israelites was - indeed, it even explains exactly who the Israelites really were and thus why the Torah, Bible and Koran were written.

  • The biblical exodus inscribed on an Egyptian stele.

  • The secret name of god explained.

  • Mt. Sinai is the Great Pyramid of Giza.

  • The location of Mt. Ararat.

  • Pictures of Noah's Ark.


Page 113

Chapter V: Yahweh

It would appear that the long-lost secret code has at last been broken and these most ancient of messages, which have been transmitted across both time and space, can at last be translated into meaningful text. The technique is relatively simple; if a difficulty emerges in a text, look into the original Egyptian pronunciation and meanings, and see what the biblical patriarchs would have seen. The name of Yahweh would prove to be no exception to thies.

One of the great unsolved mysteries of Judaism is the tetragrammaton YHWH, the sacred an unspeakable name of god. The reason why the name of god was deemed to be so unmentionable is uncertain, but the tradition has been persistent and so we find that Cicero calls the Judaic god the illud inexprimible, or 'that inexpressible being'. In a similar fashion, the Greek Hermes is reputed to have called god [Greek phrase here] or 'the ineffable, the unspeak-able, and that which is to be pronounced in silence'. The respected theologian Adam Clark, notes the custom and says of this conundrum, that the Jews: a man, the (Jews) all declare that no man can pronounce it; and that the true pronunciation has been lost, at least since the Babylonian captivity; and that God alone knows its true interpretation and pronunciation. This, therefore, is the name which no man knew but (god).

End excerpt

Softbound, 6 x 9, 269 pages

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