The biblical Abraham and Jacob were pharaohs of Egypt. The Israelites were not shepherds, but the Hyksos Shepherd pharaohs. The dispute that caused the Biblical Exodus. Jesus married his sister, Mary Magdelene. Jesus, governor of Tiberias, leader of 600 rebel 'fishermen'. Jesus followed the traditional astrology of the Egyptians, ... he was born a Lamb of God (Aries) and died a fisher of men (Pisces). Saul discovered in the historical record.
There is irrefutable evidence that the Biblical patriarchs were indeed pharaohs of Egypt, that is why their story was so important that it has endured for so many thousands of years. Using this new knowledge, Jesus, Last of the Pharaohs goes on to discover an entirely new face to Christianity, to discover startling new passages where the Biblical Jesus and Saul appear in the historical record. The Bible is transformed into a story of a royal bloodline, and it is a tale that is verifiable at every stage by references from the historical texts.
For the majority of people, this massive change to their daily lives must have been devastating. Just try to imagine the fuss that would be made today if a senior rabbi stood up and said that all the basic tenets of Judaism have to change. If that senior rabbi also managed to get high-level backing from the civil service and even the 'king' of the country, the result might well be civil war. This is exactly what happened in ancient Egypt. The Heliopolian priests said the religion must change; the people were devastated by this enormous alteration to their lives and they turned to see who would support their position. It was Thebes that eventually gave the people the theological reassurance they craved.
It would appear that even at the great religious center of Thebes and the Temple of Karnak, the priests did not have access to all the secrets of Heliopolis; these matters may have been as much a shock to them as they were to the general public. Or perhaps Thebes was just a little more commercial in this enterprise. After all, each temple of Egypt depended on the lands and tithes that were granted to them by the nobles in the land; then, as now, these aristocratic nobles could be of great influence behind the scenes.
Thebes backed the common people in this dispute and so the people rallied around Thebes; the country was in turmoil The people were split down the middle: southerners against northerners, Upper Egypt against Lower. Upper Egypt declared the northerners heretics and made itself an independent state, with its own pharaoh based in Thebes. Lower Egypt declared the southerners uneducated plebeians and crowned their own pharaoh in Avaris - a Hyksos pharaoh, a Shepherd King, a follower of Aries.
End excerpt.
Softbound, 6 x 9, 330 pages