Ancient Mysteries Egypt K2 - Quest of the Gods

K2 - Quest of the Gods

K2 - Quest of the Gods
Catalog # SKU0643
Publisher Distributors
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name Ralph Ellis


K2, Quest of the Gods
The sequel to Thoth, Architect of the Universe

by Ralph Ellis

Quest of the Gods explains the design of the Great Pyramid in great detail and it appears that its architect has specified a structure that contains a curious blend of technology, lateral thinking and childish fun - yet this design can also point out the exact location of the legendary 'Hall of Records' to within a few meters. Join the author on the most ancient quest ever devised, a dramatic journey in the footsteps of Alexander the Great and to the highest peaks at the very heart of the Himalaya...

  • Alexander the Great's quest for the legendary 'Hall of Records'.

  • Location of the 'Hall of Records' revealed.

  • The Great Pyramid in the Himalaya.

  • The design of the Great Pyramid Explained.


Page 105

Chapter VII: K2

It is at this point in the journey that we must leave the campaigns of Alexander behind us, for the route from here on is far too precipitous for an army and its baggage. Without the discovery of dynamite, the route to Skardu would be impassable to everything but a dozen donkeys in single file. However, had the lightly loaded advance guard of Nearchus, which was sent out by Alexander to interrogate the locals, reached Skardu, they would have been greatly amazed.

There is a confluence of valleys and rivers at Skardu, and the land opens up into a wide, flat and fertile basin, where the mighty Indus slows to a virtual standstill and gently meanders through the plain. For a small population, life in this valley could be quite agreeable. The altitude makes the climate cooler than the plains of India; there is plenty of water for irrigation and much fertile land to sprinkle it upon.

By all accounts, however, Alexander and his main army turned south at Pir Sar and headed for Taxila, near modern Islamabad. There, the victorious Macedonians scored yet another victory over Porus, king of the Pauravas. Following the battle, Alexander's ambition was to push on to the east once more, skirting the Himalayas just to the south and onwards to who knows where. Once more, it is difficult to see what the true ambitions of Alexander were. He had bettered the achievements of Hercules, defeated as many Indians as Dionysus - what more was there a great king could do with a roving army?

End Exerpt.

Softbound, 6 x 9, 188 pages

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