The Human Mind Sex/Erotica


Metamorphosis of Lisette Joyaux - The Story of Monique - The Yellow Room
Whipped Women
Memoirs of Josephine Mutzenbacher
Flossie: A Venus of Fifteen - Tales of Fun and Flagellation - Beauty in the Birch
Astrid Cane
Autobiography of a Flea


90% or more of all sex is THE MIND


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Maude Cameron and Her Guardian
Catalog #: SKU4133

Though the topics and themes are much the same as American erotica, the British use of English adds a luster to the stories, missing from the vulgar used in America. "A modern narrative, being the most refined description ever yet published of the sensual pleasure to be derived from the humiliation and chastisement of young ladies. Written by a gentleman expert."

Memoirs of a Coxcomb
Catalog #: SKU2623

Vintage Erotic fiction from the mid 1800s. Depicting the Crimes and Follies of High Life and the Dissipation and Debaucheries of the day.

Memoirs of Dolly Morton
Catalog #: SKU2624

Vintage Erotic fiction from the mid 1800s. Depicting the Crimes and Follies of High Life and the Dissipation and Debaucheries of the day.

Memoirs of Josephine Mutzenbacher
Catalog #: SKU2684

Vintage Erotic fiction from the late 1800s. The saying is, that young whores become old, religious crones, but that was not my case. I became a whore at an early age and experienced everything a woman can ... in bed, on chairs, tables, standing against walls, benches, lying on the grass, in dark hall-ways, in private bedchambers, on railroad trains, in lodging houses, in jail; in fact in every conceivable place where it was possible ... but I have no regrets.

Merry Order of St. Bridget
Catalog #: SKU3604

Perhaps the most intriguing mystery facing all mankind, is that of various human desires.

Metamorphosis of Lisette Joyaux - The Story of Monique - The Yellow Room
Catalog #: SKU2691

Vintage Erotic fiction from the late 1800s. There was nothing in Lisette's childhood to indicate the path she would take in her later life. Her loving parents lavished every affection and gift upon this dear girl, and they employed a diligent and sympathetic governess who never spoke a harsh word to her precious ward, even in the event of misbehavior. By the time she was eighteen, she knew as much about punishment as she did about lovemaking, which is to say, nothing.

Mimes of the Courtesans
Catalog #: SKU1853

A look back at the social and sexual customs of our ancient ancestors. These ancient writings reveal the roots of how our societal customs have evolved into this modern era.

Miss High-Heels
Catalog #: SKU2667

Vintage erotic fiction from the early 1900s. The story of a rich but girlish young gentleman under the control of his pretty step-sister and her aunt

My Secret Life
Catalog #: SKU1827

Not much is known about this book, other than it was not published in its entirety for public consumption for about 80 years after it was written. No one really knows who wrote this erotic, lurid, tale. The first publication in the late 1800s was done only by private printing through special orders, and never made available to the public. It is the mystery of why such a bawdy tail would be covered up for so many years

Natural Laws of Sexual Life
Catalog #: SKU2626

A study of our sexual life from science, medicine, history, psychology, and actual practice. The sex drive dominates our existence for nearly all our lives, yet is the one mystery yet explained away by religion or science.

Naughty Hot Nun
Catalog #: SKU4145

As the sex and pedophile scandals rock the Catholic and Protestant worlds one has to wonder if these erotic tales of the church were more than just fictions!These British erotica books were seldom distributed in America. With impassioned cries of righteousness, certain segments of society are perpetually seeking to foist their ideas of moral indignation on the rest. As a result, many people with normal human drives become pressured into thinking that their needs and wants are perverted.

Who sets these people up as the rule makers? Usually it is the feeling in every one of us that there has to be some kind of order to our lives, that there must be a definitive right way which means there must be a definitive wrong way, as well.

New Epicurean or The Delights of Sex
Catalog #: SKU2668

Vintage erotic fiction from the mid-1800s. A series of encounters connecting the character's love play with the gods and goddesses of old.

New Ladies' Tickler
Catalog #: SKU2627

Vintage (or Victorian) erotic fiction. A posthumously-published series of letters of a woman's sexual adventures, desires, and fanatsies.

Night in a Moorish Harem
Catalog #: SKU2669

Vintage erotic fiction from the late-1800s. Harems have always piqued the interest in the western world, since it is erotic behavior not familiar to them.

Nocturnal Meeting : My Lustful Adventures
Catalog #: SKU2670

Vintage erotic fiction from the late-1800s.

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