The Goddess Vintage Erotica Nocturnal Meeting : My Lustful Adventures

Nocturnal Meeting : My Lustful Adventures

Nocturnal Meeting : My Lustful Adventures
Catalog # SKU2670
Publisher TGS Publishing
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name M. Ramrod


A Nocturnal Meeting

My Lustful Adventures

M. Ramrod

Vintage erotic fiction from the late-1800s.



The episode I am about to relate happened when I was still a very young man, not over-expert in the pursuit and methods of amorous pleasure, and with my tastes still crude and my powers only suspected and quite undeveloped. True, I had made acquaintance with the mysteries of the female form by the medium of an occasional rough and tumble with one of the maids, and later had been promoted to the dignity of rogering a willing friend of my sister's, but these damsels were all plain, not fancy, fuckers and had no idea of employing anything but a naked cunt for the delights of fornication. They seemed perfectly satisfied with a straightforward hump, and would certainly have been horrorstricken at the suggestion of those amenities in which I afterwards became a connoisseur.

My first awakening to the extended possibilities of coition came in this wise. Passing one night along a rather unfrequented thoroughfare I was fortunate enough to rescue two ladies from the grasp of a couple of roughs who had bailed them up intent on plunder. A quick dash and a hurried blow or two sent them off in a flurry and I turned to reassure the distressed beauties. One was a lady of ripe charms, with flowing figure and a face still handsome and attractive. The other was a charming girl of about nineteen, who proved to be her daughter. The elder woman, still well under forty, looked desirable enough to give any fellow a satisfactory cockstand.

They were profuse in their gratitude, not the less probably because they noticed I was young, scarcely more than a boy, and, as they were good enough inform me afterwards, by no means bad-looking. They suggested I should accompany them home, which of course I was nothing loth to do. No young fellow dislikes being petted and made much of by a couple of amiable women. I hadn't the least idea, however, of the good fortune that awaited me.

Printed in a large 12 point font for ease of reading

110+ pages - 8¼ X 5&¼ softcover

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