The Human Mind Sex/Erotica


Metamorphosis of Lisette Joyaux - The Story of Monique - The Yellow Room
Whipped Women
Memoirs of Josephine Mutzenbacher
Flossie: A Venus of Fifteen - Tales of Fun and Flagellation - Beauty in the Birch
Astrid Cane
Autobiography of a Flea


90% or more of all sex is THE MIND


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Sex Radicalism
Catalog #: SKU2550

First men let them VOTE, then they wanted orgasms!!! The author is pushing the limits of equality for women; that have been legislated by men for them for their own good. Dora wants sex equality in the bedroom, as well at the voting booth.

Sex Slavery
Catalog #: SKU2799

An unusual twist in looking on the roles of sex and sexual relations between man and woman.

Sex-Love : Its Place in a Free Society
Catalog #: SKU2549

Think 'free love' started with the 60s generation? Think again... The quest for unrepressed acts of love have been with humanity since the beginning... and repressed time and again by 'sects' of men only interested in controlling others.

Sexual Crisis, The : A Critique of Our Sex Life
Catalog #: SKU2158

An early study of woman's reproductive rights, along with a more romantic psychological evaluation of our sex lives.

Sexual Education and Nakedness
Catalog #: SKU2999

Short study on the need for sexual education.

Sexual Instinct and Its Morbid Manifestations
Catalog #: SKU3169

A study into human sexual anomolies not considered 'normal' by most people.

Sexual Life of Japan
Catalog #: SKU3168

ames A. Michener (in The Floating World) has called De Becker's notorious study and history of Tokyo's brothel quarter an "unorganized collection of astonishing facts." De Becker, a lawyer, was one of very few naturalized Westerners living in Yokohama; he wrote numerous works on Japanese law, economics and language during the period 1897-1928.

Sexual Neuroses
Catalog #: SKU2645

A christian study into sexual neurosis, diseases, and perversions.

Sexual Relations Of Mankind
Catalog #: SKU2159

A complete look at the history of our sexual relations, and where its going.

Sleep Walking and Moon Walking
Catalog #: SKU3212

Psychoanalysis holds a key to the problem of sleep walking, which alone has been able to unlock the mysteries of its causes and its significance. This key is the principle of wish fulfilment, an interpretative principle which explains the mechanisms of the psyche and illuminates the mental content which underlies these. Sleep walking as a method of wish fulfilment evidently lies close to the dream life, which has become known through psychoanalysis.

Songs of Bilitis
Catalog #: SKU1852

One of the hidden mysteries to the modern world is the openness of sex, nakedness, love, and love-making experienced in the ancient world. It was taken as matter of fact eons ago, yet kept the romance and titillating discourses that would rival any modern erotica. Obviously humankind has forsaken one of its pleasures, sacrificed on the altars of priests and religious nonsense.

Soul and Sex
Catalog #: SKU3146

Insights from a medical doctor and esoteric freemason into the connection of the soul and sex.

Stays and Gloves
Catalog #: SKU4128

Erotic tale displaying the desire to use clothing, costumes, and the attire standards for either the submissive or dominant. How clothing affects many people in their attainment of pleasures of the body is a mysterious mind game of control.

Sweet Lips
Catalog #: SKU4144

Though the topics and themes are much the same as American erotica, the British use of English adds a luster to the stories, missing from the vulgar used in America. For all the Bible thumpers, sapphism was not banned in the Bible anywhere!

Venus In Furs
Catalog #: SKU1828

Human sexuality, with all its intrigue and variants is a mystery that has confounded us since time began for mankind. The author of this book describes one variant of sexuality and has an entire sex culture named after him. Leopold Von Sacher-Masoch, though his writings are misunderstood and misapplied by the societal culture named after him, is the root for our word 'masochism.'

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