Beyond Reality Mysteries Explored


Conspiracy in the Heavens  -  Sex, lies and a karma secret
Mysteries of the Pyramid
Beyond Our Galaxy
Hollow Planets
Secrets of the Mojave
Living in the Matrix : Another Way : Numerology for a New Day

Mysteries Explored


Angelic Wisdom About Divine Providence
Catalog #: SKU3176

The reader will find in this book a firm assurance of God's care of mankind as a whole and of each human being. The assurance is rested in God's infinite love and wisdom, the love pure mercy, the wisdom giving love its ways and means. It is further grounded in an interpretation of the universe as a spiritual-natural world, an interpretation fully set forth in the earlier book, Divine Love and Wisdom, on which the present work draws heavily. Large print 13 point font.

Animal Figures from the Mounds of the Mississippi Valley
Catalog #: SKU1813

An object scientific view of the Mississippi Mound discoveries, giving the Native Americans more credit for the mounds and artifacts, rather than a lost race.

Annals of Witchcraft in New England
Catalog #: SKU3957

Drawn up from unpublished and well authenticated records of the alleged operations of witches and their instigator, the devil.

Anti-Gravity Handbook
Catalog #: SKU0533

The new expanded compilation of material on Anti-Gravity, Free Energy, Flying Saucer Porpulsion, UFOs, Suppressed Technology, NASA Cover-ups and more. Highly illustrated with patents, technical illustrations and photos.

Antichrist Legend and the Babylonian Dragon Myth
Catalog #: SKU2389

Study into the mythology of the Antichrist that the churches have used for thousands of years to control the people, manipulate the masses, subvert governments, and create fear.

ARADIA the Gospel of the Witches
Catalog #: SKU1412

For brief explanation I may say that witch craft is known to its votaries as la vecchia religione, or the old religion, of which Diana is the Goddess, her daughter Aradia (or Herodias) the female Messiah, and that this little work sets forth how the latter was born, came down to earth, established witches and witchcraft, and then returned to heaven.

Arbatel of Magick : The Spiritual of the Ancients
Catalog #: SKU1575

Now first of all produced out of darkness into the light, against all caco-Magicians, and contemners of the gifts of God; for the profit and delectation of all those, who do truely and piously love the creatures of God, and do use them with thanksgiving, to the honour of God, and profit of themselves and their neighbours.

Archeological Essays (Two Volume Set)
Catalog #: SKU2531

Two Volume Set! A long look at why archeology is important to history, science, medicine, and our future. One of the best works on the meaning of archeology ever written.

Aryan Origin Of The Alphabet
Catalog #: SKU0092

The invention of the Alphabet is generally admitted to be one of the very greatest scientific human achievements. It enables civilized men by an easy system of some twenty four or so sound-sings or letter to rapidly express and register their thoughts and speak through time and space, conduct their everyday business by registers and correspondence, and chronicle their experience for the use of future generations by permanent records.

Aryan Origin Of The Alphabet (Large Print Edition)
Catalog #: SKU2002

The invention of the Alphabet is generally admitted to be one of the very greatest scientific human achievements. It enables civilized men by an easy system of some twenty four or so sound-sings or letter to rapidly express and register their thoughts and speak through time and space, conduct their everyday business by registers and correspondence, and chronicle their experience for the use of future generations by permanent records.

Asgard and the Gods
Catalog #: SKU1823

We use Norse mythology everyday of the week, either without knowing it or not thinking about it. Tuesday, Wodensday, Thorsday, and Freysday.... Why do these so-called mythologies continue to amaze and confound us? Are they fiction stories built around true and factual events? Nonsense you say--- but you also said that about the mythological Legend of Troy.. and now proven as a factual place in time and history.

Astral Body and Other Astral Phenomena
Catalog #: SKU0684

This study of our subtle body is based on the works of Theosophical authors and noted clairvoyants, including H. P. Blavatsky, C. W. Leadbeater, and Annie Besant. The astral body is the vehicle of feelings and emotions seen by clairvoyants as an aura of flashing colors.

Astral Body and Other Astral Phenomena
Catalog #: SKU1927

This book 2 in a series of four books by this author, researching and enlightening readers on the 'spirit' of man, its role and functions. As in the case of The Etheric Double, the compiler has consolidated the information obtained from a large number of books, a list of which is given, arranging the material, which covers a vast field and is exceedingly complex, as methodically as lay within his power.

Astro Vedica
Catalog #: SKU0419

The ancient legends and myths of the great religions and folk traditions of the world tell us of marvelous things, tales that, until very recently were considered within the realm of fantasy and not reality by the self-anointed "wise" of our rationalist age--cities which were swallowed by the sea, or an engulfing Earth itself; populated underworlds of varied descriptions, some paradisical, others more hellish; non-human beings with the ability to fly, to travel to nearby planets, or under the sea, or beneath the ground, and with an interest, and urge to interfere, in the destiny of human beings or human history.

Astronomy of Milton's Paradise Lost
Catalog #: SKU2300

Many able and cultured writers have delighted to expatiate on the beauties of Milton's 'Paradise Lost,' and to linger with admiration over the lofty utterances expressed in his poem. Though conscious of his inability to do justice to the sublimest of poets and the noblest of sciences, the author has ventured to contribute to Miltonic literature a work which he hopes will prove to be of an interesting and instructive character.
