TGS Authors Susan Reed Conspiracy in the Heavens - Sex, lies and a karma secret

Conspiracy in the Heavens - Sex, lies and a karma secret

Conspiracy in the Heavens  -  Sex, lies and a karma secret
Catalog # SKU3308
Publisher TGS Publishing
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name Susan Reed, Jennie Gosbell
ISBN 10: 1610336623
ISBN 13: 9781610336628


in the Heavens

Sex, lies and a karma secret

Susan Reed
(Jennie Gosbell)

This is a book about karma thieves. It follows my experiences in the first book the " Body Snatchers" and takes me into the dark side of the angelic realm where Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel and Mary Magdalene are dark sided. And work together as the Gabriel Crime family to steal a karma secret. Ettissh the reptilian who featured in the Body Snatchers bribes them with a reptilian secret on karma and his deal is, they can't use it unless they kill me. They then set about trying to kill me for 3 years, persecuting me. . I am the karma police to them, see Radiohead's "The karma police because they are criminals

The book culminates at a cult called the Temple of the presence with the significant confession by Archangel Michael to Saint Germaine that he has joined the reptilians



About this Book

This book is being published posthumously. The author using the pen name Susan Reed, was sending us her files for about a year before her mysterious death on a Caribbean island.

Susan Reed, (pen-name for Jennie Gosbell) intended to visit TGS Publishing in Texas while she was on a sabbatical in the Americas, but that meeting never came to fruition.

The few telephone conversations with Jennie over our years of working with her left us amazed and concerned. She was a savant in our opinion: She was a genius on so many topics, but appeared illiterate when it came to writing, emailing, and other things most people take for granted. (Or she was indeed being interfered with by alien entities.)

One thing for sure, Jennie Gosbell was a tortured soul, and in her two books she attempted to describe and inform the world of the evil entities who were constantly torturing her. After her mysterious disappearance, one would tend to believe that her revelations are true. She lived in her own Twilight Zone, that most of us would find hard to imagine.

Yet her stories of alien-reptilian attacks are not unique to her alone for others have written of similar and same experiences. Even a Christian missionary to the Philippines related his unfortunate contact with a reptilian demon. These tales are very real for those who have eyes to see and experience this mind-body-soul attack against them.


Jennie Gosbell has a Bachelor of Science in nutrition and has worked for eighteen years as a nutritionist and hospital dietician. She worked in nutritional research for several years.

She became interested in higher consciousness and spent four years doing a course called 'Awakening your light body' by This opened her up to be a victim of spiritual warfare by the conspirators. She has written a first book, called 'The Body Snatchers' under the pen name of Susan Reed, about her personal experiences with the conspirators. In her search for help, Jennie traveled to Brazil to visit the John of God psychic surgeon. However, rather than giving assistance, he catapulted her into the conspiracy in the heavens and their satanic practices.


This is a book about karma thieves. It follows my experiences in the first book the " Body Snatchers" and takes me into the dark side of the angelic realm where Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel and Mary Magdelene are dark sided. And work together as the Gabriel Crime family to steal a karma secret. Ettissh the reptilian who featured in the Body Snatchers bribes them with a reptilian secret on karma and his deal is, they can't use it unless they kill me. They then set about trying to kill me for 3 years, persecuting me. . I am the karma police to them, see Radiohead's "The karma police because they are criminals

The book culminates at a cult called the Temple of the presence with the significant confession by Archangel Michael to Saint Germaine that he has joined the reptilians

In April 2009 Archangel Michael confessed that my higher self knew nothing about the karma secret and therefore I was innocent over this topic and it also went in part to clear Steve's name , which a reptilian host was called Brian in the Body Snatchers. My innocence can be explained by the fact that the chapter was written by Shurl, a hireling of Ettissh's . A draconian from the human secrecy level worked with me on this subject as well. He had married Ettissh who was confessing to the draconian how he was trying to kill me because of Ettissh's own fear of punishment over the karma secret. Ettissh obviously felt guilty and confesses this to his marriage partners who then try and kill me for this., I currently have five of ettissh's marriage partners knowingly trying to kill me because of Ettissh's fear of his punishment: Tom, the hawk draconian, archangel Michael, The secrecy draconian, Mary as well. Ettissh has shown his fear of punishment to me , he fears the prison where the draconian get eternally tortured, our idea of hell.

Working with the secrecy draconian I recalled the following facts to prove my innocence and explain who was guilty. The guilty parties are Shurl and Ettissh working together and not Steve.


The Archangels were the first angels. According to the bible they are also what their name implies - the ruling angels. There are numerous legends and Christian testaments that talk about the archangels and their strength. All agree that Michael, Gabriel and Raphael were the most powerful. While the Books of Enoch are rarely included in bibles today, it was scripture for the first Christians. In it, Enoch saw seven groups of Archangels.

Whilst all the archangels might have been rulers, Archangel Michael was the ruler of them all. This is why, in depictions of him, he is the one seen as the mighty warrior who is trampling the devil. In the Book of Revelations, Michael and his angels fight "the ancient serpent, the Devil and Satan" and drive the dragon from heaven. However, whilst it was expelled from heaven, the dragon survived to torment Earth. The many 'St Michael Mounts', dotted around the world, show where Michael and his angels triumphed over ancient evils. In recognition of his victories, the western church made Archangel Michael the patron of soldiers.

Satan, Michael's adversary was known by many names. In Jewish texts from the first century B.C. he was known as Prince Mastema. In the Dead Sea Scrolls, he was called Belial, Melchiresa, the Angel of Perdition, and the Prince of the Kingdom of Wickedness. In the New Testament he was called Belial, the ancient serpent and the deceiver.

In the Book of Enoch, St John saw a red dragon bringing one-third of the stars down to earth and he saw St Michael and his angels fighting against them. This red dragon is Satan, the devil. The Greek word for devil is 'diabolos' which means, 'the one who misrepresents'- the deceiver of the world. In the Book of Revelations, Satan was "the devil, the ancient serpent and the red dragon". These dragons are associated with stars as described by St John.

I feel it is possible that these stars, which both the Old and New Testaments mention, are space ships. I now believe that the dragons are Draconians, an alien race that is really Satan and that they are deceiving the whole world.

The Books of Enoch describes how those who come under the power of the fallen angels lose their spiritual sight. We're all aware that temptation by the serpent is the central theme of the story of Adam and Eve. Much later, in the wilderness, Satan also tempted Jesus. Satan offered him all the kingdoms of the world, if Jesus would worship him.

Archangel Michael battled for about two thousand years with the dragons - the Draconians - but ultimately lost the battle for Earth. The Draconians were then left to corrupt the Earth, having first made agreements with the hierarchy of the Archangels. This pact, which allows the Draconians to continue their secret war on Earth, was sealed a thousand years ago and Michael has not fought the dragons since. Now he negotiates and barters with the Draconians.

This is why my life changed. I became the victim of one of their barters. I became like the man on the end of his spear.

232 pages - 7 x 8½ softcover
ISBN-10: 1610336623
ISBN-13: 9781610336628

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