An object scientific view of the Mississippi Mound discoveries, giving the Native Americans more credit for the mounds and artifacts, rather than a lost race.
From the Preface
The constantly recurring question, "Who constructed these works?" has brought before the public a number of widely different theories, though the one which has been most generally accepted is that they originated with a people long since extinct or driven from the country, who had attained a culture status much in advance of that reached by the aborigines inhabiting the country at the time of its discovery by Europeans.
The considerable degree of decorative and artistic skill attained by the so-called Mound-Builders, as evidenced by many of the relics that have been exhumed from the mounds, has not failed to arrest the attention of archæologists. Among them, indeed, are found not a few who assert for the people conveniently designated as above a degree of artistic skill very far superior to that attained by the present race of Indians as they have been known to history. In fact, this very skill in artistic design, asserted for the Mound-Builders, as indicated by the sculptures they have left, forms an important link in the chain of argument upon which is based the theory of their difference from and superiority to the North American Indian.
Eminent as is much of the authority which thus contends for an artistic ability on the part of the Mound-Builders far in advance of the attainments of the present Indian in the same line, the question is one admitting of argument; and if some of the best products of artistic handicraft of the present Indians be compared with objects of a similar nature taken from the mounds, it is more than doubtful if the artistic inferiority of the latter-day Indian can be substantiated. Deferring, however, for the present, any comparison between the artistic ability of the Mound-Builder and the modern Indian, attention may be turned to a class of objects from the mounds, notable, indeed, for the skill with which they are wrought, but to be considered first in another way and for another purpose than mere artistic comparison.
Knowledge Of Tropical Animals By Mound-Builders.
Other Errors Of Identification.
Skill In Sculpture of Mound-Builders.
Generalization Not Designed.
Probable Totemic Origin.
Animal Mounds.
The "Elephant" Mound.
The "Alligator" Mound.
Human Sculptures.
Indian and Mound-Builders' Art Compared.
General Conclusions.
Softcover, 5¼" x 8¼", 100+ pages
Perfect-Bound - 12 point font - 70+ Illustrations