As Above So Below
This book is a serious study of the occult Tarot. Partial Contents: Introduction to the study of Tarot; The General Key to the Tarot; The Sacred Word; Esotericism of Numbers; Key to the Minor and Major Arcana; Connection between the Major and Minor Arcana; Symbolism in the Tarot; History of the Symbolism of the Tarot; Androgony; Cosmogony; General Transition; Summary of the Symbolical Tarot; Key to the Applications of the Tarot; Astronomic Tarot; Initiative Tarot; Kabalistic Tarot; Authors who have interested themselves in the Tarot; Divining Tarot.
The Assembly of the Sages : The Book of Truth in Art : Pythagorean Synod : An ancient alchemical treatise translated from the Latin, The chief readings of the shorter codex
The contents of this Book are not fables, but real experiments which I have seen, touched, and handled, as an adept will easily conclude from these lines. I have written more plainly about this Art than any of my predecessors; sometimes I have found myself on the very verge of breaking my vow, and once or twice had to lay down my pen for a season; but I could not resist the inward prompting of God, which impelled me to persevere in the most loving course, who alone knows the heart, and to whom only be glory for ever.
We are living in strange times. Civilization seems rapidly to be breaking up, while yet some inner urge is at work towards a better and more balanced construction in may departments of life. TGS Reprints brings two esoteric reprints in one book!
From ancient Nippur of Babylon these spells and incantations were written into bowls and discovered two thousand years later by archeologists. Read the curses and spells used by the Jews in captivity, as many are rendered in Hebrew.
Search out and learn the hidden truths of the Masons with Albert Churchward, also recognized for his scholarly historical works.
THE books of this author, that are already published, declare sufficiently the high worth of his deep writings: But of all the benefits that do accrue thereby it is one inestimable excellency of them that they help the minds of all sorts of people, that will take pains to read and consider them, in the understanding of the holy Scriptures: and that satisfactorily and convincingly, without need of any reference to the vast commentaries of authors, either in the learned or modern tongues.
Francis Bacon, Shakespeare, and their connection to the mysterious Rosicrucians secret society is still a puzzle unravelling.
The idea behind Bible Magick is simple; all verses in the Bible are charged with spiritual energies. This power of creation is called "LOGOS," meaning "WORD." It is thought that God the Creator used the LOGOS to initiate creation. The Universe and everything within it are divine words that have solidified. You can imagine that they were once dissolved in the sound vibrations of the divine cosmic word. Each thing we see is a divine word become solid.
Studies into several esoteric realms, starting with the importance of the Blazing Star to faith.
One of the most notable and finest esoteric books written.
Great Oracle of the Gods: called also The Book of the Speech of Hermes-Mercurius and the True Wheel of Fortune; Art of Knowing the Good Genii and Their Influence Upon the Destiny of Men; Occult Science of Jewels; Sidelights on Workings of Destiny in Business and Pleasure; Some Names of Womanhood; Curiosities of Planetary Lore; Wheel of Wisdom; Little Book of Divination by Flowers; Mystery of Dreams.
SCARCELY any department of theological science has, in the last few decades, received such marked S\attention and cultivation as that branch for which the Germans have adopted the felicitous appellation Neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte,-the study of the age of Christ in its political, social, and religious aspects. The Schodde Translation of the Book of Enoch of 1882.
The old cabala per gematriam, as it was technically spoken of, is well known to Biblical scholars everywhere. The new cabala is scarcely mentioned in any books of reference, and the works containing specimens of it are rare in the highest degree; this latter fact accounting for the general want of knowledge on the subject.
Marvels of science, mechanical improvements, increase of wealth (and income tax), and the perfection of all warlike apparatus, seem to blind us to the fact that abstract qualities of mind have shown no symptoms of progression.