Historical Reprints Esoteric - Spiritual


Nostradamus' Lucky Number & Dream Book
Mysteries of the Pyramid
Beyond Our Galaxy
Things Kept Secret from the Foundation of the World
Days Before Tommorrow
Cities of the Deep

Esoteric - Spiritual


Beyond Our Galaxy
Catalog #: SKU0002a

An account of alien existence taken from the documented records found in the secret tombs of the great pyramid

Beyond Our Galaxy (Large Print)
Catalog #: SKU0002

An account of alien existence taken from the documented records found in the secret tombs of the great pyramid

Bible Myths and their Parallels in other Religions
Catalog #: SKU0217

Special Reprint! (1882) a Comparison of the Old and New Testament Myths and Miracles with Those of Heathen Nations of Antiquity Considering also Their Origin and Meaning.

Bible Spells
Catalog #: SKU1581

The idea behind Bible Magick is simple; all verses in the Bible are charged with spiritual energies. This power of creation is called "LOGOS," meaning "WORD." It is thought that God the Creator used the LOGOS to initiate creation. The Universe and everything within it are divine words that have solidified. You can imagine that they were once dissolved in the sound vibrations of the divine cosmic word. Each thing we see is a divine word become solid.

Birth and Evolution of the Soul
Catalog #: SKU4105

The lady mystic traces the progress of the soul.

Blazing Star
Catalog #: SKU3984

Studies into several esoteric realms, starting with the importance of the Blazing Star to faith.

Book of Ceremonial Magic
Catalog #: SKU1576

The Angels of the Seven Planets, their Sigils, the Signs and Houses of the Planets, the names of the Seven Heavens, according to the Magical Elements of Peter de Abano, with the names of the Olympic Spirits of the Planets according to the Arbatel of Magic, and the Infernal Sigils of the Evil Planetary Spirits according to the Red Dragon.

Book of Destiny
Catalog #: SKU0879

One of the most notable and finest esoteric books written.
Great Oracle of the Gods: called also The Book of the Speech of Hermes-Mercurius and the True Wheel of Fortune; Art of Knowing the Good Genii and Their Influence Upon the Destiny of Men; Occult Science of Jewels; Sidelights on Workings of Destiny in Business and Pleasure; Some Names of Womanhood; Curiosities of Planetary Lore; Wheel of Wisdom; Little Book of Divination by Flowers; Mystery of Dreams.

Book of Forbidden Knowledge
Catalog #: SKU3952

Black magic, superstitions, charms, diviniations, signs, omens, etc.

Book of Mormon
Catalog #: SKU1952

Joseph Smith was a fraud so says the Christian Church. Yet, many points of his Book of Mormon have historical relevance as modern science continues to uncover our hidden past, particularly in the Americas. How did a young man, from rural early America, come up with such details, and convert his goals to life-long research into the mysteries? His claims of an angel giving him this sacred treasure is no different than that of modern channelers or pentecostal tongue talkers who channel angels, God and Jesus.

Book of Mormon Large Print Edition
Catalog #: SKU1953

Joseph Smith was a fraud so says the Christian Church. Yet, many points of his Book of Mormon have historical relevance as modern science continues to uncover our hidden past, particularly in the Americas. How did a young man, from rural early America, come up with such details, and convert his goals to life-long research into the mysteries? His claims of an angel giving him this sacred treasure is no different than that of modern channelers or pentecostal tongue talkers who channel angels, God and Jesus.

Book of the Damned
Catalog #: SKU1696

Charles Fort was a crank in the best sense of the word. Lovecraft and the X-files can't begin to compete with the spooky stuff he uncovered. In the early twentieth century he put together great quantities of exhaustively documented 'puzzling evidence', data which science is unable or unwilling to explain. (Large Print Edition)

Book of the Words
Catalog #: SKU2032

A rare reprint of Albert Pike's Book of the Words - It is a study into the origin and meaning of those words/phrases peculiar to the art of Freemasonry. This reprint is a facsimile edition.

Book of Witches
Catalog #: SKU3958

The author's goal is to show where the witch came from and why, as well as what she was and is, and how necessary she is and must be, for the happiness of mankind.

Breath of Life
Catalog #: SKU1292

As life nears its end with me, I find myself meditating more and more upon the mystery of its nature and origin, yet without the least hope that I can find out the ways of the Eternal in this or in any other world. In these studies I fancy I am about as far from mastering the mystery as the ant which I saw this morning industriously exploring a small section of the garden walk is from getting a clear idea of the geography of the North American Continent. But the ant was occupied and was apparently happy, and she must have learned something about a small fraction of that part of the earth's surface
