Historical Reprints Esoteric - Spiritual Ways of the Lonely Ones

Ways of the Lonely Ones

Ways of the Lonely Ones
Catalog # SKU1197
Publisher TGS Publishing
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name Manly P. Hall


The Ways
of the Loney Ones

By Manly P. Hall

This reprint is from the famous mystic teacher and author of 'Secret of All Ages', Manly P. Hall.

From the Introduction:

Life is not merely what it seems to be. Hidden from our eyes by the cloak of materiality is a wonderful world which only the eyes of the dreamer can see and the soul of the mystic comprehend. The stony walls of conventionalized -thought and commercalized ideals shut from the view life's noble path. But as the ages pass, some see, some comprehend the greatness of the Divine Plan and the glorious destiny of the human r soul. Sorrow, suffering and loneliness are the great builders of character. Man never becomes truly great until his heart is broken. That is the supreme test. Those who rise triumphant from -the ruins of their dreams, deepened and broadened by their experiences, pass on to fuller destiny.

There are theories which appeal to the reason, -and there are truths which the mind can never know. Through the ages the heart and mind have struggled with each other for dominion over the souls of men, and man has foolishly allowed his servants to become his masters.

Religion is not merely intellectual -- although it must be logical and reasonable. Religion, in -order to unfold the spiritual nature, must be enshrined within the heart.

Every individual who comes into the world is a Lonely One -- a stranger in a strange land. At birth he begins a search which continues until he is laid away in death -- and probably afterwards. Few can define the thing which they seek. If they only realized one thing, the quest would be ended -- each searches for himself.

We live in a world of shadows. These phantoms are our Not-Selves, but most of us mistake them for the real. Only ages of sorrow and suffering brings us that discrimination which shows -us what is really worth while, and develops that determination which strengthens us for the attainment of the greatest good.


Nature's Homage

Civilization, with the consuming power of quicksilver, dissolves into itself the wild places of the world. Where great forests once stood, gloomy buildings with high angular chimneys now darken narrow cobbled ways. Natural grandeur has been swallowed up in the sordidness of human construction. Here and there, however, may yet be found spots where man has not encroached -- where the sound of the axe, the cries of the woodmen and the rumbling of logs have not broken the primeval stillness. One by one the savage denizens of the wild, the beasts tin-tamed, have retreated into these scarce-trodden fastnesses before the deadly onslaught of civilization, whence from lonely crag and primeval wilderness they gaze out with furtive eyes and watch the relentless advance of that dread power which would destroy their lives.

In a certain land there is a majestic mountain range which lifts its towering peaks, with rough and densely wooded sides, like great supplicating arms to the skies. From out the verdant luxuriance' of tree and shrub mighty straggling monarchs of the forest toss high their branches as though to grasp in their trembling fingers the clouds that hover over them. A narrow trail,; barely a foot path -- winds up to these mountains. Here and there it leads over loose rocks and broken boulders and from stone to stone across some water-fall that descends like a stream of crystal from the snow-covered peaks far above. There is no silence in that wood, for there is ever a rippling, ever a swishing, ever a sighing, as from the mountains trickle. numberless streams or through the tree tops the wind whispers its message to any listening ear.

Up this narrow path climbs an occasional hunter, for the deer still peer shyly out of the thickets or spring from rock to rock or dart fleetly among the scrub growth that clothe the precipitous slopes on either hand. Here, too, the mountain lion lurks and at night, with shining eyes, gazes out from the darkness at the campfire of the hunter. Here also abound wolves and r foxes, and in the lower valleys prowl coyotes that yap an incessant protest as the shades of evening gather. Mayhap an awkward bear crosses the path and waddles along on his short, ungainly legs. It is the joy place of the hunter, who, with the glee of the sportsman, slays to prove the merit of his aim.

Many stories are told of these mountains, many legends fashioned by the minds of ancient dreamers and perpetuated by their descendents; but the strangest of all is the story of the Old Man of the Mountain.

130+pages - 8.25 x 5.25 inches SoftCover


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