Historical Reprints Esoteric - Spiritual America's Assignment with Destiny

America's Assignment with Destiny

America's Assignment with Destiny
Catalog # SKU0213
Weight 1.00 lbs
Author Name Manly P. Hall


America's Assignment with Destiny

by Manly P. Hall

The story of unfolding of the esoteric tradition in the Western Hemisphere is told, beginning with the rites and mysteries of the Mayas and Aztecs. Parallels are drawn between the miracles of the North American Indian medicine priests and those of the wonder workers of India. Also included: an account of the Incas of Peru and their possible contact with Asia. Space is devoted to the riddle of Columbus, the role of Lord Bacon in organizing the English settlements in America, and the contributions of the German mystics through the Pietists, Mennonites, Dunkers, and Quakers. The American Revolutionary period and important personalities of that time are examined, as are the Latin American patriots such as Simon Bolivar, Miguel Hidalgo, and Benito Juarez.

The Colonizaton Scheme II

Sir Walter Raleigh, a distinguished member of the Baconian circle, made the mistake of confiding his private plans for his South American expedition to the King. James promised to keep the secret with his honor, but hastened to whisper it in the ear of Count Gondomar. The Spanish, properly forewarned, had a strong force waiting for Raleigh at the mouth of the Orinoko, and in the fighting that followed, Raleigh's son was killed.

Sir Walter Raleigh James, who was to blame for the whole sorry business, promised Gondomar that Raleigh would be publicly executed, but even the popular account of the knight's death is false. Under such conditions, it would have been madness to preserve the papers of any significant political project. That which was intentionally concealed, even from the records of State, cannot be easily be recovered after so long a time. It was an axiom of that day that a wise man was like a trunk with a double bottom-- when first opened, the trunk must seem to be empty. Only those of kindred spirit could know that a man's character had a secret compartment.

James Spedding, an outstanding authority on Bacon's life, writes,

"We learn incidentally from one of Bacon's apothegms that soon after he became Lord Keeper (which would be shortly before Raleigh sailed) , he had a long conversation with him at Gray's Inn walks. We are not told what the subject was, but it must have been interesting and was probably important, for it was that he kept the Earl of Exeter so long upstairs." (The Life and Times of Francis Bacon, Spedding)

Bacon visited Raleigh during his imprisonment, and the friendship between the two men was sufficiently founded upon previous efforts which Bacon had made to cement a genuine alliance between Raleigh and the unfortunate Earl of Essex. Ben Johnson acted as intermediary and agent extraordinary on several occasions. It will be remembered that Jonson was at Stratford on that festive evening -April 23, 1616- which is said to have contributed to the "Bard's" demise. If Shakespeare had small Latin and less Greek , it is unlikely that Raleigh had more Hebrew. The first edition of The History of the World is ebellished with numerous emblems and devices belonging to the Baconian group. The title page has been a subject of controversy for centuries. Ben Jonson, referring to Sir Walter Raleigh, told Drummond : "The best wits in England were employed in making his history."

"Thousands of years ago, in Egypt, these mystical orders were aware of the existence of the western hemisphere and the great continent which we call America. The bold resolution was made that this western continent should become the site of the philosophic empire. Just when this was done it is impossible now to say, but certainly the decision was reached prior to the time of Plato, for a thinly veiled statement of this resolution is the substance of his treatise on the Atlantic Islands."

5 1/2 x 8, soft back

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