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TGS Publishing

TGS Publishing

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Christmas In Ritual and Tradition
Catalog #: SKU1454

I have tried to show how Christmas is or has been kept in various lands and ages, and to trace as far as possible the origin of the pagan elements that have mingled with the Church's feast of the Nativity.

Chronicles of Jerahmeel, The
Catalog #: SKU2331

Old Testament Apocrypha : A collection of apocryphal books dealing with the History of the World, from the Creation to the Death of Judas Maccabeus. Translated for the 1st time from a unique manuscript found in the Bodlian Library.

Chronicles of Strathearn
Catalog #: SKU3234

This book has been written in connection with a Bazaar held in Crieff in the month of August, 1896, for the better endowment of the Parishes of ARDOCH, CRIEFF WEST, GLENDEVON, and MONZIE. Large Print 15 point font.

Chronological History Of Money Since Babylon
Catalog #: SKU0043

The Constitution does not provide for Advisers to Presidents, but the Hidden Government provided three advisers, viz., Col. E. Mandell House, Bernard Baruch and Sidney Weinberg. Baruch said "I am the most powerful man in the world." On September 15, 1934, Baruch reported in the Chicago Tribune, "I believe that national pride is a lot of nonsense."

Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms
Catalog #: SKU1455

The Greek Antiquities are full of Poetical Fictions, because the Greeks wrote nothing in Prose, before the Conquest of Asia by Cyrus the Persian. Then Pherecydes Scyrius and Cadmus Milesius introduced the writing in Prose. Pherecydes Atheniensis, about the end of the Reign of Darius Hystaspis, wrote of Antiquities, and digested his work by Genealogies, and was reckoned one of the best Genealogers.

Church in Politics : Americans, Beware!
Catalog #: SKU3483

In his letter on religion in politics, President Roosevelt takes the position, I believe, that we may look forward to the day when a Catholic, for instance, may be nominated and elected to the presidency of the United States of America. He also intimates that to refuse to vote for a Catholic on account of his religion would be bigotry!

Church of God? or Temples of Satan
Catalog #: SKU1500


Here is a truly outstanding book about religious Gnosis, called the
"Church of God? or The Temples of Satan." It criticises world religions for their lack of Spiritual Knowledge and perception, and blames them for the Spiritual ignorance, intolerance, and hatred which, it claims, is the root of worldwide terrorism. The book also accuses all religions of being nothing more than "temples of Satanism" and ignorance.

Cities of the Deep
Catalog #: SKU0114a

The author, having spent countless months searching through hieroglyphics, Naval records, ancient scrolled manuscripts, and ships logging, now brings to light one more haunting phenomenon from the archives of an explorer's heritage. It has long been a seaman's nightmare that demons possess many areas of our ocean, with concentrated thought aimed at our Bermuda Triangle and the mysterious disappearances occurring over these hundreds of centuries.

Cities of the Deep (Large Print)
Catalog #: SKU0114

The author, having spent countless months searching through hieroglyphics, Naval records, ancient scrolled manuscripts, and ships logging, now brings to light one more haunting phenomenon from the archives of an explorer's heritage. It has long been a seaman's nightmare that demons possess many areas of our ocean, with concentrated thought aimed at our Bermuda Triangle and the mysterious disappearances occurring over these hundreds of centuries.

City of Tagaste
Catalog #: SKU3572

A very unique and interesting story prediction the future of civilization. I read this short thesis with admiration of the author's insight into his future visions, and our current reality

City of the Sun, The
Catalog #: SKU3217

The greater part of the city is built upon a high hill, which rises from an extensive plain, but several of its circles extend for some distance beyond the base of the hill, which is of such a size that the diameter of the city is upward of two miles, so that its circumference becomes about seven. On account of the humped shape of the mountain, however, the diameter of the city is really more than if it were built on a plain.

Civil Disobedience and other Essays
Catalog #: SKU0953

I have paid no poll-tax for six years. I was put into a jail once on this account, for one night; and, as I stood considering the walls of solid stone, two or three feet thick, the door of wood and iron, a foot thick, and the iron grating which strained the light, I could not help being struck with the foolishness of that institution which treated me as if I were mere flesh and blood and bones, to be locked up.

Civilization and Beyond
Catalog #: SKU3475

Human history may be viewed from various angles. The easiest history to write concerns the doings of a few well known people and their involvement in some memorable events. History may also concern itself with inventions and discoveries: the use of fire, of the wheel or smelting metals.

Claims of Christianity Examined
Catalog #: SKU2094

IN the following pages there is no attempt to criticize all the alleged evidences in favor of Christianity. The aim of the writer has been to fairly examine the, principal claims that have recently been put forward on behalf of the orthodox faith. It is hoped that the examination that has been made, and the facts given in these pages, may be of some practical service to the young and earnest searchers for truth.

Catalog #: SKU3386

The term clairvoyance (from 17th century French with clair meaning "clear" and voyance meaning "vision") is used to refer to the ability to gain information about an object, person, location or physical event through means other than the known human senses, a form of extra-sensory perception. A short study into understanding of clairvoyance.
