Mysteries Reptilian


Body Snatchers
Conspiracy in the Heavens  -  Sex, lies and a karma secret
Atlantis Conspiracy
Secrets of the Mojave



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Reptilian Connections to Man
Catalog #: SKU0508

Mankind has had an intimate connection to the Reptilian lineage since antiquity and around the world. Reptilians ruled planet Earth, before man had become a reality. Man has worshipped reptiles as gods and goddesses, and religions today still hold them in awe and sacred. Mankind holds them up both as 'wise' and 'wicked'. Our religions have denounced serpents as sinful the cause of all sin, and yet the same religions used the serpent to beguile kings (Aaron's rod), to heal people (Moses brazen serpent), and proof of faith (St. Paul threatened by serpents). While man fears them, he treasures their venom for medicine, their skins as clothing, and their bodies as meat. Our brains, spines, and teeth are part reptilian. Yet, we consider them as soul-less beings, cold blooded. This collection of research, though 1600+ pages, still only scratces the surface of the reptilian connection.

Bloodlines of the Illuminati
Catalog #: SKU0495

Bloodlines of the Illuminati is a unique historical genealogical who's-doing-it book, rich in detail, providing a devastating expos

Freedom or Fascism
Catalog #: SKU0789

Time to Choose" From UFOTV a 3 disk DVD Seminar

Catalog #: SKU0869

The attacks of Septemeber 11th - not the work of 'Bin Laden' - and the subsequent 'war on terrorism' are a means through which this is designed to be achieved.

Body Snatchers
Catalog #: SKU1514

This book is about an alien race. They are taking over our planet. This alien race is known as 'the reptilians.' They are body snatching ~ taking over human bodies. I became involved with one such reptilian host and the reptilian entity working for him. I am now free of all of them. Exposed are unique insights into exactly how a reptilian exists as a human. Secrecy is their power.

Conspiracy in the Heavens - Sex, lies and a karma secret
Catalog #: SKU3308

This is a book about karma thieves. It follows my experiences in the first book the " Body Snatchers" and takes me into the dark side of the angelic realm where Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel and Mary Magdalene are dark sided. And work together as the Gabriel Crime family to steal a karma secret. Ettissh the reptilian who featured in the Body Snatchers bribes them with a reptilian secret on karma and his deal is, they can't use it unless they kill me. They then set about trying to kill me for 3 years, persecuting me. . I am the karma police to them

Alice in Wonderland : World Trade Center Disaster
Catalog #: SKU0491

The world's "elite" families, no more than 13 at the peak of the pyramid, manipulate their control of humanity through a network of secret societies. This network and the interbreeding bloodlines it serves have become known as the Illuminati, the 'Illuminated Ones'.

Children of the Matrix
Catalog #: SKU0152

"The Illuminati appear on the surface to be a male dominated operation. But, in fact, the high priestess is as important in their rituals as the high priest and at the heart of the Illuminati symbolism is the worship of the Goddess."

Global Sciences CD-Rom Disk
Catalog #: SKU0302

19 hours of video : What happened to these people stretches the belief of the most jaded. Her recollection of being in Area 51 and Russia being only two of them. What goes on in these experiments defies the grossest of imaginations. It really takes courage to go public with this.

Secrets of the Mojave
Catalog #: SKU3588

A collection of materials through research by Branton, with his comments inserted. Mind blowing material when first released! Branton states that he is a "sleeper" agent for the CIA who was (possibly after stumbling on some information that he wasn't supposed to know) electronically induced with an alternative personality which was "programmed" to serve the CIA Black Projects and the Bavarian-Gray collective.

Tales From The Time Loop
Catalog #: SKU0617

The most comprehensive expose of the global conspiracy ever written and all you need to know to be truly free

Shocking Psychic Solution : The Lizzie Borden Case
Catalog #: SKU1728

A look at the historical evidences with a psychic interpretation for the reasons and missing facts behind this crime of the century, that shocked the world.

Worship of the Serpent
Catalog #: SKU0218

The Christ had preached a universal doctrine, a new revelation of the Good God, the Father over all. They who tried to graft this on to Judaism, the imperfect creed of one small nation, were in grievous error, and had totally misunderstood the teaching of the Christ. The Christ was not the Messiah promised to the Jews. That Messiah was to be an earthly king, was intended for the Jews alone, and had not yet come.

Big Book of Werewolves. The - Timothy Green Beckley's
Catalog #: SKU1873

From Timothy Green Beckley's weird and wacky facts comes this era's most in depth look at the phenomena of the WEREWOLF. Come inside and quench your bloodthirst of curisosity about a legend that never dies.

Dragons of the Air
Catalog #: SKU3652

The history of life on the earth during the epochs of geological time unfolds no more wonderful discovery among types of animals which have become extinct than the family of fossils known as flying reptiles. Its coming into existence, its structure, and passing away from the living world are among the great mysteries of Nature.

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