Mankind has had an intimate connection to the Reptilian lineage since antiquity and around the world. Reptilians ruled planet Earth, before man had become a reality. Man has worshipped reptiles as gods and goddesses, and religions today still hold them in awe and sacred. Mankind holds them up both as 'wise' and 'wicked'. Our religions have denounced serpents as sinful the cause of all sin, and yet the same religions used the serpent to beguile kings (Aaron's rod), to heal people (Moses brazen serpent), and proof of faith (St. Paul threatened by serpents). While man fears them, he treasures their venom for medicine, their skins as clothing, and their bodies as meat. Our brains, spines, and teeth are part reptilian. Yet, we consider them as soul-less beings, cold blooded. This collection of research, though 1600+ pages, still only scratces the surface of the reptilian connection.
- Head of a Serpent
- Babylonian Origin of Hermes the Snake God
- Medusa, Apollo, and the Great Mother
- Medusa II. The Vegetation Gorgoneion
- The Serpent Woman of Hatton Lake
- Snake Order of the Moquis
- Meaning of the Moki Snake Dance
- Pueblo Snake Ceremonials
- A Central American Ceremony
- Hopi Snake Washing
- Sia & Tusayan Snake Ceremonials
- Snow Snake of the Seneca-Iroquois
- The Serpent Instinct In Man
- An Indian Snake Dance
- Carados and the Serpent
- The Oraibi Summer Snake Ceremony
- The Serpent With A Human Head
- The Serpent in the Old Testament
- Serpent Dread in the Primate Family
- Serpent Charming
- Serpent and Siva Worship
- The Snake Symbol and the Worship of Siva
- Worship of Creative Power Symbolized by the Serpent
- The Mishongnovi Ceremonies
- Natural History of the Serpent
- The Intelligence of Snakes
- The Evolution of Mammals from Reptilians
- The Reptilian Brain Structure of the Medulla Oblangata
- The Reptilian Brain The Medulla Oblangata
- The Reptilian Brain Origin of Afferent Tracts of Medulla Oblangata
- The Reptilian Brain Histology of the Medulla
- Reptilian Character of Human Teeth
- Reptilian Brain Excitation in the Medulla Oblangata
- Reptilian Brain & Reptilian Spine
- Human Fossils Compared to Reptilian Fossils
- The Basilisk
- The Dragon
- The Leviathan
- The Chameleons
- The Serpent Symbol
- Tree and Serpent Worship in India
- The Universality of Serpent Worship
- The Curse on the Serpent
- Serpent Myths
- The Cross and the Serpent
1600+ pages - 8½ x 11 softcover in 4 volumes