
Deon Chronicles
Mysteries of the Pyramid
Beyond Our Galaxy
Days Before Tommorrow
Emerald Tablets of Thoth
Cities of the Deep



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Great Pyramid of Gizeh: A Symbol of Universal Truth
Catalog #: SKU2532

A quick study into the symbology and meaning of the Great Pyramid

Great Pyramid: Its History and Teachings
Catalog #: SKU2533

Marks takes a look at the pyramid's history, its science and its religious significance to Christianity

Mosaic System of Chronology In the Elucidation of the Great Pyramid
Catalog #: SKU2534

A bit of a different look at the Bible and the Pyramid. Most of the theorists look at the Pyramid as an extension of the Bible. This author takes the view that the Bible is the key to the Pyramid.

Pyramids of Gizeh
Catalog #: SKU2535

A complete study and history of the Seven great wonders of man's industry and imagination of the ancient world.

Solomon's Seal: A Key to the Pyramid
Catalog #: SKU2536

Letters on the relationship of the Pyramid to measure and its kaballistic connections.

Book of the Kings of Egypt, The
Catalog #: SKU3022

Originally Published in Two Books, Now in one complete volume. Study into the names and eras of the Pharoahs of Egypt from the 1st Dynasty through the 30th Dynasty. The Ka, Nebti, Horus, Suten Bat, and Ra Names of the Pharoahs

Egyptian Book of the Dead
Catalog #: SKU3059

Facsimile reprint of the rather hard to find title. Sir Renouf was E.A. Wallis Budge's boss at the British Museum till his retirement. 62 illustrations

Mound Builders: A Lost Race
Catalog #: SKU3095

Large Print 15 point font, 2 books on the Mound Builders in One Volume! Addresses the discoveries on Mounds found in Canada and the USA. When the early settlers began to pioneer the unbroken forests of North America, they considered the various Indian tribes to be the true Aborigines of this continent. But long before the red man, even long before the growth of the present forests, there lived an ancient race, whose origin and fate are surrounded with impenetrable darkness. The remains of their habitations, temples and tombs, are the only voices that tell us of their existence.

Deon Chronicles
Catalog #: SKU3587

This book is one of many written by this world renowned author, who in more recent years has turned his research toward those appendices of Science that uncover the unknown of God and His Universe.

Solution of the Pyramid Problem
Catalog #: SKU3692

With the firm conviction that the Pyramids of Egypt were built and employed, among other purposes, for one special, main, and important purpose of the greatest utility and convenience, I find it necessary before I can establish the theory I advance, to endeavor to determine the proportions and measures of one of the principal groups. I take that of Gïzeh as being the one affording most data, and as being probably one of the most important groups.

Is The Great Pyramid of Gizeh A Metrological Monument?
Catalog #: SKU3908

All authors, from the Father of History downwards, have generally agreed in considering the pyramids of Egypt as magnificent and regal sepulchres; and the sarcophagi, etc., of the dead have been found in them when first opened for the purposes of plunder or curiosity.

Playing Cards Embody a Scientific Record of the Great Pyramid
Catalog #: SKU4019

Does the geometrical math of playing cards lead to the Great Pyramid of Egypt?

Egypt and Her Pyramids
Catalog #: SKU4035

Little intrigues the mind more than the mysteries of the Egyptian pyramids.

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